There will always be individuals in society who believe they are entitled to the contents of someone else's wallet without ever having earned it. Generally we call these people thieves, although there is an argument to be made that the same is true of welfare recipients, but that's for another day. Today I'll simply deal with the scum who personally like to steal from … [Read more...]
Canada’s Firearms Act is a Success!!! NOT.
It's a classic case, really. "A Toronto man" who already has two separate lifetime firearms prohibitions against him gets arrested. Again. With a handgun. His first firearms prohibition came in 2009 after he was caught with a loaded .357 magnum handgun the year prior. His second lifetime firearms prohibition came after he was sentenced to, get this, three years … [Read more...]
Armed Robbery – just another day at the office…
Except this time Drayton Valley RCMP knew who he was and issued a warrant for his arrest. A Drayton Valley teen is facing six charges in connection with an armed robbery. A 32-year-old woman was making a night deposit at a Drayton Valley bank around 10 p.m. Wednesday, when she was robbed by a masked man with a handgun, police said. The man fled with an undisclosed … [Read more...]
Handgun Registration Works! (or not…)
Handguns have been registered in Canada since 1934. You can't even buy one legally without jumping through all sorts of bureaucratic hoops, and when that's all done, you've got to apply for a Authorization to Transport just to take the thing to the range to shoot at a paper target. Unless you're a criminal, of course. Then none of this hassle applies, as is clearly shown … [Read more...]