by Frank Hilliard Mike Duffy, my old colleague from CBC's Ottawa Bureau, is the latest failure of the Conservative government of Prime Minister Stephen Harper who appointed him. He is not the most important because one man can only spend so much on himself. However, he is symbolic; symbolic of the surprising fact he is not alone among policy failures. Canadians think of … [Read more...]
Paying for Our Own Cultural Destruction
by Frank Hilliard Unless you live in one of the gentrified, metrosexual enclaves of Montreal, Toronto or Vancouver, you've probably never heard of Tom Perlmutter. You've paid for him, but like many of the globalists in our midst, he's been working just below the radar to dissolve and diminish Canadian culture and national identity. Perlmutter, the son of a Holocaust … [Read more...]
Rumblings in the Distance
by Frank Hilliard In the back alleys of Cairo artisans are making what they have always made in times of crisis in countries in turmoil; weapons. It's good to keep this in mind because we in the West tend to lose track of reality in the fog of political platitudes and shock of obscene events. We are reassured by the former and distracted by the latter so that we mistake … [Read more...]
Liberal Media Claims Another Scalp By Frank Hilliard
Mischa Popoff was fired last night as the BC Conservative candidate in Boundary-Similkameen for what the party called “insensitive and disrespectful comments” about the Missing Women Inquiry and single mothers. This followed an article in the Vancouver Sun that appeared on the Web last night and in the paper this morning. Here’s a longer quote on what the party found … [Read more...]
A Steady State Economy by Frank Hilliard
This is the fashionable Surry Hills/Redfern area of Sydney, Australia. It has well-established trees and, as you can see, an uprated street scape with protected bicycle lanes. This is actually VERY unusual; most cities spend little or no money on existing neighbourhoods because all their taxes and borrowing are used to build and service new subdivisions. When was the last … [Read more...]
Oscar Pistorius and Home Security by Frank Hilliard
Whatever else you can say for Oscar Pistorius, his explanation of how he killed Reeva Steenkamp is bizarre and illogical. No responsible gun owner would shoot through a door at an unknown target. That, however, is not what Canadian homeowners needs to take away from this tragedy. Have a look at the living arrangements in the National Post diagram I've linked to. You can … [Read more...]
Mischa Popoff, a true conservative, runs for BC Conservative Party
Finally we have a true conservative running for a truly conservative party in a province that deeply needs a return to conservative principles. Both of the major parties have shown their moral failures, their lax practices and their lack of vision; it is time for a return to the standards of practice, morality and fiscal prudence we all thought was a norm in Canadian … [Read more...]
The Return of the Fortified City?
There are many gauges of social decay such as gated communities and bars over windows and doors. However you can tell things are really getting serious if people start to live in castles or fortified cities. I've illustrated a traditional fortified city; Orvieto in Tuscany, Italy. As you can see it was built on a small plateau for defensive purposes, not in the fertile … [Read more...]
The True Face of Stanley Cup Rioter Alicia Price?
Alicia Price looks like a nice girl. She's wearing a T-shirt with the picture of a bear carrying a sign saying 'Free Hugs." Moments later there is a video sequence of her taking a cigarette lighter and setting a police car on fire (starting at 7:35). She's pleaded not guilty and her case will come to trial 9/13/2013; months from now. She's not alone, of course; the … [Read more...]
The Real Reasons for Mass Shootings
When you read today about Adam Lanza having 'trouble relating' to fellow students and teachers, ask yourself this question: what is the standard definition of a psychopath? Here it is: "a person with a psychopathic personality, which manifests as amoral and antisocial behavior, lack of ability to love or establish meaningful personal relationships, extreme egocentricity, … [Read more...]