Hot on the heels of the Yasmin Ratansi scandal where the now-former Liberal MP hired her sister and lied about it, we learn Andrew Scheer stole a page from the Liberal Entitlement Handbook and took it to heart. Andrew Scheer hired his sister-in-law, Erica Honoway, to work in his constituency office. While technically this does not violate Parliamentary hiring rules, it's … [Read more...]
Yasmin Ratansi: Just Another Ethically-Challenged Liberal MP
What is it with Liberal Members of Parliament? Do they honestly believe the rules don't apply to them? That's the question at the top of my mind after news broke that Yasmin Ratansi, Member of Parliament for Don Valley East, hired her sister, Zeenat Khatri, and lied about it. CBC reports Yasmin Ratansi employed her sister from 2005 to 2011 when Ratansi lost her seat in … [Read more...]