Some people are simply too stupid to possess firearms. I would definitely add 37-year-old Cristian Gutierrez to that category after his asinine negligent discharge shooting spree at 3:54am Friday morning, April 16, 2021. Bakersfield Police Department officers responded to Panorama Drive near Loma Linda Drive after they received a call about a person prowling outside a … [Read more...]
Andrew Winchester: The Epitome of Stupid People with Guns
Andrew Winchester is a stupid person. I call Andrew Winchester a stupid person because only an idiot would believe handing over 47 handguns, all legally purchased and registered to him, to an unlicensed individual wouldn't have severe consequences. You would think being paid $900 per purchase over and above the cost of the guns and ammunition just might be a clue something … [Read more...]
Profound Stupidity Has Consequences (Imagine That!)
Human beings are amazing creatures. We’re creative, astounding beings most of the time. However, there are times when the Gene Pool needs cleaning and in those moments our genetic code’s self-correcting mechanism is extremely powerful. Take, for example, the case of an unnamed Michigan man who decided to teach his girlfriend all about firearm safety. He told her all three … [Read more...]
William Rood: Firearm Safety Must Come First
If you're going to stick a gun in your pants you better know how to remove it safely! That's a lesson William Rood of Elizabethton, Tennessee, won't soon forget, I'm sure. William carried a .25 calibre Beretta pistol (prohibited in Canada, of course) in his front pants pocket. As he got undressed on the evening of January 12, 2014, he failed to deal with his handgun … [Read more...]
French President Francois Hollande says Homework is a Crime Against Humanity?
[powerpress] Some days I really don’t comprehend politicians. I really don’t. Take, for instance, Chief Moron and French President Francois Hollande. This dingbat is on a rampage to outlaw homework on the basis that it discriminates against the families of the “non-wealthy”. In what alternate universe? This mental giant doesn’t … [Read more...]
Newsflash PETA: Human Beings are more important than animals. Deal with it.
PETA, or People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, is a group of animal-loving yahoos who believe that animals are more important than people. They recently announced yet another attention-grabbing publicity stunt that proves just how ludicrous these people are. PETA is willing to abuse any program or any person if it will advance PETA’s anti-human agenda. Their latest … [Read more...]