During the last election, Justin Trudeau unashamedly used the politics of division to categorize Canadians along medical lines. He made it it clear only one choice was acceptable and anyone disagreeing with The Prime Mistake was either a "racist" or a "misogynist" or both. “We all know people who are deciding whether or not they are willing to get vaccinated, and we will do … [Read more...]
South Africa’s Nightmare Gun Registry
Canada's failed Long Gun Registry was an expensive and useless exercise that did not help solve a single crime according to police, but at least 'the trains ran on time' - to butcher the analogy. The same cannot be said for South Africa’s Central Firearms Registry, where backlogs for both licenses and amnesties are piled six feet high throughout a building that's been … [Read more...]
Gang-Rape – South Africa’s New Normal?
Welcome to South Africa, where gang rape is the new normal and killing one of your daughter's rapists gets you charged with murder. If you planned a visit to South Africa anytime soon, you may want to rethink that decision. That's what happened to a 56-year-old mom (who ran three kilometres armed only with a kitchen knife) when, after stabbing the three degenerates … [Read more...]