On February 8th, 2013 it was reported on Lilley’s Pad, Sun TV commentator Brian Lilley’s website, that Ian Thomson got his firearms back from the Ontario Provincial Police. That’s good news, as it means the Ontario Attorney General’s office has finally, at least in this case, come to its senses and will not appeal the ruling in a case that should never have come to trial in … [Read more...]
Ian Thomson Case: The Full Legal Decision
[powerpress] Ian Thomson was acquitted of unsafe storage of firearms charges on January 3, 2013. You can download the full transcript of the decision here: http://rightsandfreedoms.s3.amazonaws.com/pdf/THOMSON-IAN-TRANSCRIPT_20130103.pdf While I personally haven't read it fully yet, I'm told it makes for some interesting reading. I'll … [Read more...]
Ian Thomson’s Interview with SunTV’s Brian Lilley
The day after Ian Thomson was acquitted of bogus unsafe storage charges in Welland, Ontario, Brian Lilley from the SunTV show Byline interview him. Here is that interview. If you are able to help Ian Thomson with part of his outstanding $30,000 legal bill for defending himself against charges that should never have been brought in the first place, please send your … [Read more...]
Ian Thomson Triumphs over Asinine justice system… momentarily, at least
January 3, 2012 Ian Thomson of Port Colbourne, Ontario, was found NOT GUILTY by Justice Colvin in a 45-minute decision that finally takes the weight off the man who had the audacity to defend his life from masked men trying to murder him in his home while he slept. It's a case that should never happened. Police should have commended Thomson for his restraint in firing … [Read more...]
“Gun Control” kills. Here’s how…
The advocates of "gun control" are forever telling us that guns are too dangerous for mere citizens to use. It's just not safe, they say. That mentality has always bothered me because what are police officers except mere citizens with a little training? Anyone can become proficient in the skills needed to handle firearms safely. Training facilities like Front Sight can … [Read more...]