While Jane and I can sometimes get into debates over various issues and individuals, for the most part we see the world quite similarly... I suppose that's why I call her my "unindicted co-conspirator" when it comes to writing. A lot of what gets written about here on ChristopherDiArmani.com comes out of those discussions and debates between Jane and me. So when I said … [Read more...]
Ron Paul, the Republican Party’s “Invisible Candidate”
The race for the Republican presidential ticket is underway, but according to the main-stream media, or should I say the main stream MORONIC media, Ron Paul isn't even running. Watching the contortions they have to twist themselves into in order to avoid saying his name would be hilarious... if I wasn't so incredibly disgusted by their lack of journalistic integrity. Kind … [Read more...]
Allen West for President?
Allen West for President? Absolutely! Now THAT is one black man I can fully support in the Oval Office. You know... unlike the ninny who currently resides there, Allen West not only knows the definition of integrity, he embodies it in his every action. Unlike the current community-organizer-in-chief, Allen West actually knows how to lead. He is truly a "been there, … [Read more...]
Flying the Gadsden Flag
My great friend and un-indicted co-conspirator in all things writing, Jane Gaffin, sent me a link to the YouTube video below along with this note: I love the Gadsden flag. Here's a neat lesson on the flag as flown on the diArmani website bar and how the snake has even evolved in some circles into a porcupine. As Jane references in her brief message, we've been flying the … [Read more...]