In a move that stunned family and those following this case, as I have, Crown prosecutors dropped charges against convicted murderer Keith Wiens for breaching his bail conditions prior to his conviction for murdering Lynn Kalmring. Keith Wiens is a lowlife - a convicted murdering lowlife. At no time from the day he shot Lynn Kalmring until today has this pathetic excuse for … [Read more...]
When is Police Brutality NOT Police Brutality? When the Judge Says So…
RCMP Constable Andy Yung is a real piece of work. And by that I mean he is the type of man we really don't want patrolling our streets armed with a badge, a gun and the power to do as he pleases. He first hit my radar a few years ago when in a drunken fit he fired his service pistol through the ceiling of his hotel room. At the time he was one of a supposedly select group … [Read more...]
RCMP Sgt. Owen Wlodarczak thinks he should not suffer any consequences for threatening to shoot his wife in the head
In May 2010 RCMP Staff Sgt. Owen Wlodarczak went home, punched his wife in the face half a dozen times and then threatened to shoot her in the head with his service pistol. He committed this vile act in front of his children. True to the double-standard in sentencing RCMP members as compared to we mere citizens, Owen Wlodarczak was sentenced to absolutely zero jail time; … [Read more...]
Justice for Orion Hutchinson and his family? Not a chance. Disgraced former RCMP Corporal Benjamin (Monty) Robinson plays the race card and wins
I was disgusted but not surprised that another piece of garbage in an RCMP uniform, Constable Geoff Mantler, walked free the other day, acquitted by Judge Takahashi. I saw that one coming a mile off. Reading the news, however, that arguably the most disgraceful person to ever wear an RCMP uniform, former RCMP Corporal Monty Robinson, will never set foot inside a prison cell … [Read more...]
Lying Staff Sergeant Ross Spenard: Reason #8 to dump the BC RCMP
We “mere citizens” have high expectations from the men and women who make up our police forces. We expect them to act with integrity, to be honourable and above all, to tell the truth. Time after time we hear reports of members of the RCMP (and almost every other police force) breaking the very laws they are sworn to uphold. When they lie, however, somehow that violation … [Read more...]
RCMP Constable Andy Yung: Reason #2 to Dump the BC RCMP
Anyone reading my articles about thuggish RCMP constables and corporals will no doubt be a little surprised by my choice of RCMP Constable Andy Yung as my #2 reason for getting the RCMP out of British Columbia. He certainly would never have been my first choice if he hadn't hit the headlines just this past week. There is one man who had this spot locked up solid (RCMP … [Read more...]