If you live in Montreal you ought to be afraid. Very afraid. Why? Only 250 of 4,600 Montreal Police members bothered to qualify with their duty sidearms. Police qualification with firearms is required by law, yet only 5% of Montreal's police force complied with that law. So what, you ask. There are a lot of cops in Quebec, right? Yes, but give this little tidbit a few … [Read more...]
Is it any wonder there’s so much Police Brutality?
I just watched the video of Gatineau, Quebec Police attempting to shoot a calf with their handguns. It’s a very disturbing video to watch even if you’re just a regular human being and not some holier-than-thou animal rights activist. Citing “officer safety” and “protecting the public” as their reasons for shooting the calf, Gatineau Police find themselves indicted around the … [Read more...]