This is part of my ongoing series on Canadian Mass Murders. On June 4th, 2014, shortly after 7 p.m., Justin Bourque left his trailer dressed in camouflage, a bandana on his head, and two firearms strapped to his back. He walked toward an upscale subdivision a few blocks away. Bourque ignored the civilians he encountered. "Don't worry, I'm not out to kill civilians. … [Read more...]
Moncton RCMP Shooting: Is the NFA’s wading into the fray the right thing to do?
As most already know, this past Wednesday evening saw 3 RCMP members shot dead, with more wounded. The entire city of Moncton, put on lockdown until police finally captured their intended target late Thursday, finally resumed more normal operation. Government buildings and schools closed for the manhunt reopened. Residents, prevented from returning to their homes due to … [Read more...]