The New Democratic Party’s Interim Leader Nycole Turmel needs to pick up a dictionary and learn some basic facts, such as the definition of “democratic”. Taking great offense at two MPs who voted the will of their constituents and supported the government's bill to kill the long gun registry, Dictator Tumel sanctioned Thunder Bay-Superior North MP Bruce Hyer and Thunder … [Read more...]
Colorado Legislators to Voters: It’s not a tax, it’s a fee!”
Governments across North America are finding that their meal tickets are less and less willing to pay for bloated and wasteful governments. Here in Canada, the Jack Layton and his New Democratic Party can't comprehend why we mere peasants are tired of footing the tab for every expensive and stupid idea politicians come up with. He defends his trough feeding while the … [Read more...]
Will Harper End Taxpayer Subsidies for political parties?
In the wake of the utter destruction of the Bloc Quebecois and the Liberal Party of Canada the cries for saving the taxpayer subsidies to these failed political parties is already getting some backing. None other than the stalwart defender of liberty, Jean Chrétien, has gone on the CBC begging for Harper to keep the political party trough-feeding that Chretien's Liberal … [Read more...]
Feeding at the government trough… MP’s win the lottery
There's something to be said for the ability to vote yourself raises, knowing that nobody can stop you. Such is the sense of entitlement of the elected ones, or the "entitled class" as I like to call them, at both the provincial and federal levels of our government. Here in BC the entitled class voted themselves a healthy pay raise at the same time they were demanding … [Read more...]
If Layton’s and Ignatieff’s Current Spending Habits are anything to go by…
If Layton's current spending habits are anything to go by... then an NDP-led coalition government with the Liberals will lead us down the road of financial ruin. That's a pretty strong statement, but I stand by it for this reason: Government records of MP spending shows that Jack Layton tops spending by all MPs in the House of Commons. The thing is, he's not spending his … [Read more...]
Jack Layton to Kick Ignatieff’s Butt in Quebec?
The polls and news reports are filled with the notion that Jack Layton will do what Michael Ignatieff cannot... win votes in Quebec. There's even talk that Layton will outperform the Bloc Quebecois on their home soil! Can you imagine that? Quebecers being fed up with a political party whose sole aim is to break up the country? If this is true, then Hallelujah! But … [Read more...]
Michael Ignatieff’s Canadian National Defense Plan
HMCS MIKE IGNATIEFF HMCS Michael Ignatieff set sail today from its home port of Toronto, ON. The ship is the first of its kind in the Navy and is a standing legacy to Michael Ignatieff 'for his foresight in military budget cuts'. The ship is constructed nearly entirely from recycled aluminum and is completely … [Read more...]
The iPod Tax and the Coalition of Ignatieff, Layton and Duceppe
A $75 tax on anything with a hard drive? Sounds ludicrous, doesn't it. But so did a tax on blank CDRoms back in 1997, and that came true faster than you can say "Liberal-New Democrat-Bloc Coalition". I'll get to Charlie Angus and his proposed iPod Tax in a minute. Most people don't realize any more that the cost of every single blank cdrom (rewritable or not) sold in … [Read more...]
Charlie Angus wants to “fix” the gun registry with Bill C-580
Which is a frightening prospect, given how little Mr. Angus seems to understand about the firearms issue and Canadian firearms owners. Then Mr. Angus is, in reality, is simply doing what politicians ALWAYS do when facing a hostile electorate: he's trying to save face and pretend he's on "their side". Good luck Charlie. You sold out your constituents because you were PO'd … [Read more...]
A Message to All NFA and CSSA Members
A Message to All NFA and CSSA Members by Norman "Griffon" Lapierre, President, Canadian Association for Self Defense Dear member of the firearms community, I am writing these lines while trying to remain as non-partisan as possible. The following message addresses itself to members of the CSSA and NFA equally. The focus on firearms will soon fade from the media over … [Read more...]
Disarmament Man!
Now this is hilarious! Someone's created a cartoon series called "Disarmament Man". Check it out. You won't be sorry. :) … [Read more...]
The Long Gun Registry Debate
by Phil Hewkin All the hyperbole and rhetoric, deception and corruption aside, from one guy who actually is not too lazy to read what the law states in the "Criminal code of Canada", all I can say, is, if YOU haven't taken the time to read these laws, "the Firearms Act" and, the section called, "Firearms and other weapons" as I have, PLEASE kindly SHUT the HELL UP! My own … [Read more...]
NDP MPs Under Fire
While NDP party leader Jack Layton does the right thing (allowing a free vote on Candice Hoeppner's private member's Bill C-391), Liberal party leader Michael Ignatieff declares war on two NDP MPs. Niki Ashton (Churchill) and Malcolm Allen (Welland) are the two MPs that Ignatieff believes are the key to ending Bill C-391. In a post on the Liberal party website, Ignatieff … [Read more...]
“Don’t Blame ME!” cries Jack Layton
Recently there are a lot of news reports focusing on NDP leader Jack Layton and his position on Candice Hoeppner's Bill C-391 to scrap Canada's long gun registry. Jack's primary concern is that Canadians not blame him or his party if the long gun registry is scrapped. What he's REALLY concerned about, however, is getting his urban MPs re-elected. Urban votes. He really … [Read more...]