Welcome to Obama's America, where you can say anything you want about Islam, just so long as its positive. Say something denigrating and, well, the director of "Innocence of Muslims", Nakoula Basseley (or Mark Basseley Youssef if you prefer), is living proof that the Obama White House, ever ready to pander to muslim extremists, will get you any way it can. In Basseley's … [Read more...]
The “Religion of Peace” issues death order on makers of Innocence of Muslims
How very peaceful and tolerant of the Islamic Fascists... A Muslim cleric in Egypt, Ahmad Fouad Ashoush, has ordered the murder of everyone involved in the making of "Innocence of Muslims", the YouTube video that White House Coward In Chief Barack Obama is blaming for the murder of US Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other American citizens last week. In true … [Read more...]
Followers of The Religion of Peace keep murdering… and Obama just keeps apologising
Cowardice from Barack Obama's White House is nothing out of the ordinary. In fact the world has come to expect it. The only people still surprised by the depth of his ongoing cowardice are those who believe they've seen the worst of it. His apology to the murderers of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other American citizens shows the world just how weak, how useless and … [Read more...]