It never ceases to amaze me how proponents of Islam claim it is such a peaceful religion. A news story I ran across quite by accident leaves me shaking my head in amazement that anyone can claim Islam is anything but barbaric. Dancing and singing at a wedding celebration is punishable by death according to the story reported in the French press. Four women and two men have … [Read more...]
Canada’s First Family of Moral and Intellectual Bankruptcy
RE: The Conservative Party, as with most Canadians, finds outrage and revulsion in some of the more brutal facets of Middle Eastern and Asian culture. Previously, under the stewardship of the Liberal Party of Canada and its lunatic policies of multiculturalism, immigrants have been welcomed to Canada with no instruction that Canada will not tolerate honour killings, female … [Read more...]
Justin Trudeau isn’t “barbaric”, he’s a “moron”
Trust the son of PET to come up with such a stupid statement... As if riding on daddy's coattails isn't enough, he's decided it's time to make his own mark on the Canadian political landscape. Poor little Justin is all upset over the wording in a pamphlet that's sent out to folks wanting to immigrate to Canada from around the world. The wording he finds so … [Read more...]