It’s a situation we see replayed across North America with alarming frequency. So-called “zero tolerance” policies against weapons in “gun-free zones” bring the full weight of the Almighty State down on the unsuspecting head of some “mere citizen” in ways that defy both common sense and rationality. Such is the case of 17-year-old Cody Chitwod. Cody is, like so many … [Read more...]
Why every mass shooting has the same common denominator: A GUN-FREE ZONE
The mass shooting at the Aurora, Colorado, Cinemark Theatre on July 20, 2012 is a tragedy. There is no doubt about that. It was, however, a preventable tragedy (at least as far as the high body count goes) except for one thing: all of those fine Colorado folks did what law-abiding people always do... they obeyed the rules. What rule? The rule issued by Cinemark that … [Read more...]
Our National Monument to Women’s Victimhood
This is part of my ongoing series on Canadian Mass Murders. I was going to write something about Gamil Gharbi's insane killing spree that left fourteen promising young women dead in Montreal back in 1989. But after reading my article from 2008, I really didn't see what I would say today that I could say any better than I wrote then. Maybe next year I'll find a new … [Read more...]