Montreal Police Constable Stephanie Trudeau is, as evidenced by her own actions, a thug. She makes the tradition of RCMP Constable Geoff Mantler proud. As is the style of so many police constables today, she is known primarily through her badge number, 728. Constable 728’s primary goal in any interaction with we mere citizens is to ensure our immediate and complete … [Read more...]
Shocking But True! Good Cops Really Exist!
[powerpress] In the midst of the Geoff Mantler police brutality trial it's easy for us to forget that not all cops are brutal thugs with badges and guns who believe they are above the law. Some police men and women are actually, believe it or not, genuinely decent and honourable human beings. One such decent and honourable police officer is … [Read more...]
RCMP Constable Todd Glasman uses CPIC for Hells Angels
Love sometimes makes men do some very stupid things. Take the case of RCMP Constable Todd Glasman. He met the woman who would become his future wife sometime around August of 2009. She had, and still has, connections to the Hells Angels. She regularly visited one of her Hells Angels friends in prison. Just days after he met his wife-to-be, he began making unauthorized … [Read more...]
BC Wildlife Assn writes PM Harper about Firearms Act promises
Kudos to the BC Wildlife Federation for writing a great letter to the Prime Minister reminding him of his promises to freedom-loving Canadians everywhere. I'm trying to get a copy of the actual letter from the BCWF, so at the moment all I have to go on is what was contained in their press release. I'll add a link to this article when they send that letter to me. One of the … [Read more...]