On August 8, 2021, BC Supreme Court Justice Geoffrey B. Gomery slammed the door on violating an individual’s right to medical privacy. “There is no good reason to ask the question and I therefore declined to put it to panellists,” Justice Gomery ruled. A Crown prosecutor wanted Justice Gomery to exclude any potential jurors who were not vaccinated or who refused to allow … [Read more...]
Jason Kenney: Alberta’s King of COVID and Master of Tone-Deaf Hypocrisy
UPDATED May 11, 2021 at 18:00: Corrected reference to Artur Powlowski's childhood in Poland under communist rule. The same day he ordered a Calgary SWAT team to perform a ‘high-risk takedown’ of Pastor Artur Pawlowski in the middle of a busy Alberta highway [Watch Arrest Video], Jason Kenney had the audacity to Tweet: Today is an important commemoration of one … [Read more...]
Literary Hypocrisy Tramples Freedom of Thought and Religion
Fred & Louise Hamilton Elementary School has what's called "Read To Myself" time. One might reasonably expect that "Read To Myself" time is when you can, you know, read to yourself from any book you want. It's your time, right? Wrong. While you can read "Hunger Games" at Fred & Louise Hamilton Elementary School during "Read To Myself" time, don't you dare try … [Read more...]
Freedom of Speech? No Thanks, We’re Canadian…
[powerpress] On Wednesday, February 27, 2013 the Supreme Court of Canada had the opportunity to stand up for Canadians’ Right to Freedom of Speech. To call their ruling in R. v. Whatcott an “Epic Fail” would be a gross understatement. When the Supreme Court starts out by explaining as it did in Whatcott, not that individual rights are the very foundation of our … [Read more...]
Religious Intolerance invades Nova Scotia School
William Swinimer’s story shocks me, not because I can’t believe it happened, but because of how the vice-principal of Forest Heights Community School in Chester Basin, N.S. characterized William’s T-shirt. The moronic school bureaucrat called the T-shirt offensive and was nothing more than “hate talk.” The language on this so-called “offensive” T-shirt? “Life is Wasted … [Read more...]
Freedom of Speech? Not for Christian Pastors in Alberta…
As the lunatic left tries desperately to find some way of slowing down the Wildrose electoral juggernaut, such bastions of tolerance as Warren Kinsella and the Edmonton Journal have declared that pastors have no right to actually write about what they believe. This is hardly surprising from either source, both of whom believe tolerance should only be applied to their views, … [Read more...]
Can you get fired for wearing a symbol of your faith to work? Only if it’s a Christian symbol…
The government of Britain is about to argue before the European Court of Human Rights that because the cross or crucifix is not a “requirement” of the Christian faith, wearing a cross to work is grounds for dismissal from your job. Wearing symbols of other religions, such as a turban or a hijab, are (of course) exempt from this absurd religious symbol restriction. Wearing … [Read more...]
The National Anthem BANNED… at Indiana’s Goshen College?
As bizarre as it sounds, Indiana's Goshen College has banned the playing of the American National Anthem for being "too violent." Singing the words to the Anthem was banned a year ago, and now they have even banned playing the music. The Goshen College Board of Directors told College President Jim Brenneman to “find an alternative to playing the National Anthem that fits … [Read more...]