This past couple of weeks has been pretty busy for me, so writing for the blog has been temporarily relegated to the back seat. While I've managed to keep to my goal of one new article per day most of the time, this past week has certainly not been one of those times. God decreed that 6 days man shall work, and the 7th he shall rest, so that's what I've been doing … [Read more...]
Alan deJersey, Denis Royer, and David Godfrey voted to spend $50,000 in direct conflict of interest
Alan de Jersey, Denis Royer, and David Godfrey voted to spend $50,000 in what appears to be a rather large conflict of interest in the handling of Union Bay Improvement District (UBID) funds. It appears evident to me (as well as many of those who reside in Union Bay) that Alan de Jersey, Denis Royer, and David Godfrey (the former trustees recently removed from the UBID … [Read more...]
Union Bay Improvement District Administrator and last trustee from alleged corruption scandal quit
With so many things to write about every day and so many cases of political corruption and police brutality going on around the nation, it's not a surprise that I haven't managed to get back to the Union Bay Improvement District (UBID) and its war of words until now. It's not that I didn't want to. Work and life just get in the way sometimes, you know? But this fine sunny … [Read more...]