This is part of my ongoing series Officer Down - in honour of police officers slain in the line of duty. On January 17, 2015, RCMP Constable David Matthew Wynn was checking licence plates on vehicles at the Apex Casino parking lot, a job reserved for quiet shifts. He found a vehicle whose plates did not match, and went into the casino to review security tapes. … [Read more...]
Justin Trudeau Slaps Constable David Wynn’s Widow in the Face
Updated: Added quote of wording from Bill S-217 Justin Trudeau metaphorically slapped Shelley MacInnis-Wynn across the face yesterday, then danced a jig on Constable David Matthew Wynn's grave. He did so while Shelley MacInnis-Wynn was in Parliament, watching every disgusting moment. Unbelievably, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau led the vote against proceeding with … [Read more...]