"Guns and Concealed Carry for Me, but not for Thee." --hypocritical Missouri State Senator Jamilah Nasheed Seems it's a day for "The Hypocrisy Files". It's really not tough given so many make careers out of attempting to disarm we mere citizens. This time instead of Hollywood Hypocrite actor Matt Damon it's hypocritical Missouri State Senator Jamilah Nasheed. While she … [Read more...]
Our National Monument to Women’s Victimhood
This is part of my ongoing series on Canadian Mass Murders. I was going to write something about Gamil Gharbi's insane killing spree that left fourteen promising young women dead in Montreal back in 1989. But after reading my article from 2008, I really didn't see what I would say today that I could say any better than I wrote then. Maybe next year I'll find a new … [Read more...]