On Saturday, October 3, 2020, someone walked into an apartment at 18 Skipton Court and shot three people. Gary Douglas Gallant, 36, died at the scene and two other victims were taken to hospital with serious but non-life-threatening injuries. Police identified O’Keal Brown as the suspect and issued a warrant for his arrest for one count of first-degree murder and two … [Read more...]
Joseph Endelle Chan: Poster-Criminal for Firearm Prohibition Order Reform
If Public Safety Minister Bill Blair needs a face to put on the poster for Firearm Prohibition Order reform, look no further than repeat violent offender Joseph Endelle Chan. On April 8, 2010, Joseph Chan masked his face before walking inside a Halifax barber shop with a stolen Glock pistol. He fired at least two shots before fleeing the scene. He was arrested a week … [Read more...]
All Charges Dropped Against Detective Shane Donovan
Finally, some great news in the Detective Sergeant Shane Donovan case. All charges against Sgt. Donovan were dropped on Friday, November 22, 2019, because there was no reasonable prospect the Crown could obtain a conviction against the man who defended his life from an attack by a fellow police officer. He "believed his actions were fully necessary, fully justified and in … [Read more...]
Jeffrey Reynolds denied bail for murdering his own unborn child
You may recall the story I wrote back on October 26, 2012 titled "Jeffrey Reynolds: Just another deranged psychopath with ringworm?" On October 23, 2012 in Livingston, Louisiana, Jeffrey Reynolds, an utterly depraved and pathetic human being, [allegedly] took a knife and sliced open his wife's abdomen, severely injuring her and murdering their unborn child. Needless to … [Read more...]
Ian Thomson’s attempted murderers sentenced today… but not for the charge of attempted murder
[powerpress] In the early morning hours of August 22, 2010, Ian Thomson's home was attacked by four men screaming that they were going to kill him. They tossed Molotov cocktails at his home and dog kennel and did not back off until Ian Thomson grabbed one of his legally-owned pistols and fired a couple of warning shots over their heads. Then, … [Read more...]
Jeffrey Reynolds: Just another deranged psychopath with ringworm?
While I'd love to take credit for that headline, I can't. The credit goes to Halli Goldman, who wrote the following as her opening line in her article about this utterly depraved human being. Jeffrey Reynolds looks like your typical, utterly deranged psychopath with ringworm. And he is. This utterly depraved specimen of humanity [allegedly] took a kitchen knife, sliced his … [Read more...]
We won’t track violent career criminals like Joseph Endelle Chan, but we’ll harass law-abiding Canadian gun owners?
The law is an ass is the famous statement, although I can't remember who by at the moment. This truly is the case when it comes to Canada's laws on firearms and the stupid 2-billion dollar "gun control" scheme that can't keep guns out of the hands of the likes of Joseph Endelle Chan. Joseph Chan has a very long criminal record that includes 25 previous criminal … [Read more...]