U.S. Army Lt. Colonel (retired) Allen West is all man. Inside, outside, through and through. He's been there and done that and speaks from experience. Allen West has little tolerance for stupid people and even less for stupid politicians. He was so hated by the progressives in Washington, DC that they rewrote the boundaries of Florida's 22nd congressional district just to … [Read more...]
Rep. Allen West: Oh how I long for more leaders like this!
Allen West is the kind of leader America needs. He's the kind of leader every nation ought to have. A man who comprehends what Rights and Freedoms mean and where they come from. For those who believe America must have a black president, Allen West fits the bill. He's a REAL black man, not a half-black wannabe like the current occupant of the White House. For those who … [Read more...]
Allen West – a man speaking the truth to a nation that doesn’t want to hear it
Never, in the history of the United States of America has there been a president that has done so much to put a great nation on her knees with her throat laid bare in the face of her enemies than Barack Obama. There are words to describe the stewardship of a nation Barack Obama has brought to the Oval Office and treason and sedition are two of them. With no real … [Read more...]
Allen West speaks about Lack of Leadership in White House
Allen West is not shy. He says exactly what's on his mind. It's what I love about the man. He's not there to make friends, he's there to do the right thing, and screw anyone that wants to get in his way. He's a man on a mission, and Thank God for that. He's one class act. The world needs leadership, and it's sure not getting it with the [alleged] moron currently sitting … [Read more...]
US Congressman Allen West is a shining example to us all
I received an email from a friend earlier today encouraging me to watch a video of Lt. Col. Allen West (retired) as he was campaigning for election in 2009. I'd never heard of Allen West before, so I was curious, especially given the introduction my friend wrote to the video (below). Naturally, I checked up to see if what my friend said about West was true, because so often … [Read more...]