There are times when race baiters and reporters are so caught up in their own agenda they can't see what's going on around them. Milwaukee Police Chief Edward Flynn recently put these morons in their place after being accused of not caring enough about the subject of the press scrum in front of him. He was on his cell phone, you see. Unfortunately for the stupid ones … [Read more...]
Archives for November 2014
Julie Bosman – The Epitome of Hypocrite and “Stupid Little Bitch”
For those who don't know, Julie Bosman is a journalist who works for the New York Times. That's the title the New York Times gives her, anyway. I call her an irresponsible and hypocritical little bitch who felt it was her absolute right to violate the privacy of Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson. Officer Darren Wilson hit the national stage when he shot and killed … [Read more...]
Censorship Essential to Combat Terrorism says British Prime Minister David Cameron
Governments of all kinds despise Freedom of Speech. Dictatorships despise it because, if allowed, their detractors relentlessly denigrate them and their lack of integrity. Democracies despise Freedom of Speech for precisely the same reason. Freedom of Speech allows mere citizens to comment upon the actions of their so-called leaders, both good and bad. The United Nations … [Read more...]
Why do American Doctors want to know if Patients own Firearms?
Why do American family physicians want to know if their patients own Firearms before treating them for [insert medical issue here]? The only doctor who will ask you about gun ownership before treating you is a doctor who hates guns. Any doctor who hunts or target shoots or believes in your Right to Self-Defense isn’t going to ask the question. He won’t care. It’s only … [Read more...]
Support Companies Unafraid To Call This Holiday By Its Name: Christmas
I admit it. I’m one of those “old-fashioned” people who call this holiday by it’s actual name: Christmas. I’m no fan of “Happy Holidays” since the holiday has a name: Christmas. We would never dream of calling Valentine’s Day by some other name. We wouldn’t dare call Remembrance Day by some pathetic misnomer, yet for some reason it’s okay to rename Christmas even as radio … [Read more...]
The Only Entitlement I Expect From My Government is FREEDOM
Our Right to Privacy vs Police Need to Investigate Crime – Who Wins?
Police want easy access to personal information, generally with the assurance that they will not misuse the data they collect. The trouble is they almost always misuse the data, or if that statement seems too unfair, they often use it in ways never intended and they said they would never do. Take the testimony of Scott Naylor of the Ontario Provincial Police before the … [Read more...]
Lest We Forget – Today is the day we Honour our Veterans
Respect. It's a small word meaning "esteem for or a sense of the worth or excellence of a person, a personal quality or ability." That definition perfectly describes why we ought to set down our own petty lives for an hour a year and honour the brave men and women who came before us and lay down their lives to protect our precious Rights and Freedoms. Respect. We … [Read more...]
Remembrance Day is NOT a National Holiday
Remembrance Day is not a national holiday, despite being listed in the Holidays Act. The Holidays Act lists three holidays, Canada Day, Victoria Day and Remembrance Day. Canada Day and Victoria Day are "legal holidays" while Remembrance Day is "a holiday". This small distinction means it is not treated as a statutory holiday across the nation as the other two are. Provinces … [Read more...]
Denigrating Nathan Cirillo and Our Veterans on Remembrance Day
Canada watched in horror as the man standing guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier lay dead on the ground, gunned down in cold blood by a radicalized Muslim nutcase. While a nation mourned the death of Corporal Nathan Cirillo others just couldn’t help themselves. They had to dance in the blood of the dead man, seizing the opportunity to denigrate Corporal Nathan Cirillo … [Read more...]