Freedom of Speech vs “Approved Speech”. This is at the heart of the ongoing push to remove Section 13 from the Canadian Human Rights Act. In 2009 the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal ruled that although Lemire had violated Section 13 of the Act, that section of the Act was unconstitutional, and they would not enforce the unconstitutional section of the Act against Mr. … [Read more...]
Your “human right” NOT to be offended is about to be revoked.
Thirty-four years ago Canada passed one of the most absurd and Freedom-crushing laws in human history, granting Canadians the “human right” not to be offended. The abomination that is 1977 Canadian Human Rights Act was rammed through Parliament by none other than that most Marxist of Prime Ministers, Pierre Elliott Trudeau. For many reasons I’ve never thought much of … [Read more...]
Indifference Allows the State to Steal Our Cherished Freedoms
People who do not protest and fight back for their beliefs are cast as pitiful victims. Even a badly-organized revolt that fizzles can offer more hope than doing nothing at all. As my father used to say: "Do something, even if it's wrong." An esteemed U.S. Supreme Court justice took the adage one step further. "Be not afraid to do something," advised Clarence … [Read more...]
Former Aurora, ON Mayor Phyllis Morris finally drops her $6 million lawsuit against bloggers
Some time ago I wrote about the asinine lawsuit filed by a petty politician, Phyllis Morris, over comments made about her during an election... an election in which her past record as mayor came back to bite her in the butt. She lost the election by a landslide not because some bloggers commented about her track record, but because her own actions showed she was not competent … [Read more...]
The Awesome Ann Barnhardt and her 4-part series titled Islamic Sexuality: A Survey of Evil
If you haven't heard of Ann Barnhardt yet, I've gotta say... I'm surprised. She leapt onto the scene a few months back after some moronic United States Senator decided that tossing out the Constitution in favour of Sharia Law was a fantastic idea. Ann took great offense to this notion and proceeded to tear Lindsey Graham a new asshole because, I imagine, his current one was … [Read more...]
Terrorism Law: A War on Internet
All levels of government are trying to feed balderdash to ordinary Canadians as a way of brainwashing them into feeling guilty unless they willingly accept reverse onus (guilty as charged and no way to prove innocence) without uttering a whimper or protest to unwarranted Internet surveillance. (Translation: stupid, low-life minions aren’t trustworthy or deserving, let alone … [Read more...]
Christine St. Pierre: Quebec’s Very Own Minister of Propaganda
Quebec's self-proclaimed Minister of Propaganda says "unlicensed" journalists should be "controlled"... It's the kind of thing you would expect in Nazi Germany or in a bad parody of the timeless George Orwell classic 1984, NOT what you would expect to come from the mouth of someone who claims to represent the people in an [allegedly] democratic society. "Journalism should … [Read more...]
Alan deJersey, Denis Royer, and David Godfrey voted to spend $50,000 in direct conflict of interest
Alan de Jersey, Denis Royer, and David Godfrey voted to spend $50,000 in what appears to be a rather large conflict of interest in the handling of Union Bay Improvement District (UBID) funds. It appears evident to me (as well as many of those who reside in Union Bay) that Alan de Jersey, Denis Royer, and David Godfrey (the former trustees recently removed from the UBID … [Read more...]
Missouri law banning teachers and students from communicating online slammed by judge
Missouri state legislators decided some time back to outlaw teachers and students from communicating using social media sites like Facebook. Their law passed the state legislature unanimously, which is hardly surprising. As with most things before state legislatures (or federal ones either, for that matter) most legislators probably never even bothered to read the bill they … [Read more...]
Small-Town Corruption and Conflict of Interest or just business as usual in Union Bay?
I've been digging around some more into the Union Bay thing... you know... where the Union Bay Improvement District (UBID) tried suing local blogger Mary Reynolds for defamation for daring to question UBID board members about their apparent conflicts of interest. Between the May election that saw most of the board unceremoniously dumped and the recent resignation of Alan De … [Read more...]
Union Bay Improvement District Administrator and last trustee from alleged corruption scandal quit
With so many things to write about every day and so many cases of political corruption and police brutality going on around the nation, it's not a surprise that I haven't managed to get back to the Union Bay Improvement District (UBID) and its war of words until now. It's not that I didn't want to. Work and life just get in the way sometimes, you know? But this fine sunny … [Read more...]
Court of Public Opinion Renders Verdict in Phyllis Morris case: Guilty of Gross Stupidity
Phyllis Morris has gained a lot of notoriety since she lost her re-election bid to keep her job as mayor of Aurora, Ontario. It was during that election that she got just a little too big for her own britches and started suing anyone and everyone who was related to a couple of blog posts she didn't like. She even went after the people she claimed should have deleted the … [Read more...]
Saskatchewan dumps its Human Rights Tribunal. That’s 1 down, 13 to go…
Saskatchewan has officially dumped its Human Rights Tribunal. What a momentous day for our cherished Rights and Freedoms! This is the day we've been anticipating since Saskatchewan's Justice Minister Don Morgan announced the proposal about a year and a half ago. Anyone who hasn't been hiding under a rock for the past 5 years will know all about such stellar examples of … [Read more...]
Freedom of Speech? Not if you protested the G-20 in Toronto…
I find it "interesting" that in Canada, a nation that claims to be a defender of our God-given Rights and Freedoms, we have judges telling people they cannot exercise their Right to Freedom of Speech. It would seem that even after the largest number human rights violations in Canadian history, the affronts to our fundamental Rights and Freedoms isn't going to end any time … [Read more...]
Freedom of Speech means the freedom to criticize government without fear of being sued
Freedom of Speech means the freedom to criticize government, ALL levels of government, without fear of being sued into oblivion. Governments, of course, can't stand most criticism, and the small government of the Union Bay Improvement District (UBID) is no exception. This merry little band of morons decided that the solution to one of their ratepayers expressing her … [Read more...]
Canada Day, Freedom of Speech, Comedian Guy Earle and the BC Supreme Court
It's Canada Day, and today I'd like to talk a little about our Charter Right to Freedom of Speech. It's a Right that is under increasing attack by a set of quasi-judicial boards that like to think of themselves as "great equalizers". More like "great stupid people". Really. What else can you call rewarding lesbian Lorna Pardy with $22,500 just because her "feelings were … [Read more...]
Guy Earle appeals BC Human Rights Tribunal discrimination decision
On April 20th, 2011 Guy Earl was found guilty of "hurting the feelings" of lesbian Lorna Pardy, who had the audacity to claim she suffered Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as a result. Pardy obviously has some pretty big balls, making such an absurd claim. The BC Human Rights Tribunal showed just how ridiculous and out of touch with the real world they are when they made this … [Read more...]
A Historic Day for Freedom of Speech: Geert Wilders
Dutch filmmaker Geert Wilders was cleared of charges of inciting hatred today in what I can only call a historic decision. Had Wilders been found guilty, freedom of speech would have been dealt a lethal blow, and one it would likely not recover from, at least in The Netherlands. Dutch Judge Marcel van Oosten ruled that Wilders' speeches, writing and movie Fitna did not … [Read more...]
If we’re willing to stifle free speech at the Langley School Board, how are we supposed to teach our children what it means?
Langley, British Columbia is the latest battleground for freedom of speech, but that battle isn't happening inside a courtroom. It's happening in the Langley School Board Office. Schools are supposed to be the place where we teach our children what it means to be a citizen. It's where we are supposed to teach them what our Rights and Freedoms are. It's where, each … [Read more...]
Phyllis Morris despises Free Speech, sues everyone she can think of for $6 million!
Freedom of Speech is one of the foundational principles of Canada. It is essential that individuals are able to freely speak their minds without being afraid of some dumb-ass politician filing a $6 million lawsuit against them. Phyllis Morris is [allegedly] one of those dumb-ass politicians. Former politician, to be exact. She was the mayor of the Town of Aurora, Ontario, … [Read more...]
Corporations use lawsuits to Muzzle our Freedom of Speech
Canadians supposedly enjoy, under our Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Right to Freedom of Speech. That Right has been reduced to a mere privilege over the past 40 years through the use of Human Rights Tribunals and Hate Crime legislation. What used to be our God-given Right is now reduced to mere "Approved Speech". The trouble for Canadians is this: Who must we get … [Read more...]
Believe in the Declaration of Independence, in the US Constitution? You must be a home-grown terrorist or a right-wing extremist!
Is it a crime to believe you should actually abide by the oath you took to defend the Constitution? The US government says a resounding YES! Take the case of Oath Keepers... a group of current soldiers, veterans, firefighters and police officers who actually have the audacity to believe in the oath they took to "support and defend the Constitution". Just who do these … [Read more...]
Freedom of Speech vs Right to Privacy
Recently the folks at Westboro Baptist Church have been back in the news with their high-profile, if tacky protests at military funerals around the nation. The story spread like wildfire through the blogosphere about how the lunatics from Westboro Baptist Church were prevented from protesting at the funeral of USMC Staff Sgt. Jason Rogers, killed in action in Afghanistan on … [Read more...]
Bell dumps SUN TV from their channel lineup
Last night was a lot of fun watching the Sun TV News team walk Canadians through the election and all the fallout from it. Personally, I had a great time watching Krista and the rest of the team deliver the results in a very fun way. So this morning I woke up and thought I'd tune in again to catch the latest.... and to my surprise and disgust all there was on the channel … [Read more...]
“The only people who don’t want to disclose the truth are people with something to hide.” — Barack Obama
"The only people who don't want to disclose the truth are people with something to hide." -- Barack Hussein Obama Never have truer words been spoken by a man who's spent millions of dollars in legal fees to hide the truth about his own birth. Do I care one way or another whether Obama is a "natural born citizen" as defined by the United States Constitution? Not really. But … [Read more...]
Yet Another Moronic Judicial Decision (soon to be overturned)
As amazing as it sounds, a jury actually convicted a blogger for... get this... Telling The Truth. John Hoff is a blogger who goes by the online handle of "Johny Northside". In mid-2009, Johnny wrote a blog post that was very critical of the University of Minnesota's hiring of one Jerry Moore. In that post, Johnny wrote, “Repeated and specific evidence in Hennepin County … [Read more...]
Senator Joe Lieberman’s Internet Kill Switch Bill
My good friend and unindicted co-conspirator in all things writing, Jane Gaffin, sent me an interesting link last night. The headline of the article read "Egypt’s Internet Kill Switch: Coming To America", and linked to an article on Alex Jones' website Love Alex or hate him, one thing … [Read more...]
US Congressman Allen West is a shining example to us all
I received an email from a friend earlier today encouraging me to watch a video of Lt. Col. Allen West (retired) as he was campaigning for election in 2009. I'd never heard of Allen West before, so I was curious, especially given the introduction my friend wrote to the video (below). Naturally, I checked up to see if what my friend said about West was true, because so often … [Read more...]
What Worldly Good Came From Canada Hosting the G-20 Summit?
I watched the Ontario Ombudsman’s press conference on video and read his full, illustrated December report “Caught in the Act” ( regarding the investigation into the fallout from the 2010 G-20 Summit. Clone that man! Then infiltrate the entire “so-called” “Justice” system from top to bottom with his liken images. This is the first time in many … [Read more...]
Big Brother Is Eyeing Complete Take-Over Of The Internet
I love the Internet and am thankful as a writer and researcher to have lived long enough to experience the freedom of this phenomenon. However, I hope to die before a body of incompetent bureaucrats and politicians destroy the Internet like they do everything their grubby, greedy mitts touch. I also love to hate the United Nations, a big waster of money that my hero, the … [Read more...]