Jim Chiodo, President of the Ottawa County Patriots contacted me after he discovered my Sept. 23rd article on the fantastic work his organization is doing. They've launched a billboard campaign to show the American public the difference between a proven failure (Obama) and a proven winner (Romney). Thanks so much for posting a picture and "stuff" about our semi truck … [Read more...]
Junking English for the Sake of IngSoc by Jane Gaffin
The great failed experiment called the United Nations has come up with another bizarre notion. This time it’s the outlawing of speech. I don’t know if the Marxist deadheads hanging out in the tombstone-shaped, 37-floor UN building in Manhattan intend to prohibit all speech to bring complete silence to the land or just continue their rout of demonizing and redefining … [Read more...]
Ottawa County Patriots create awesome US Presidential Election billboards
The ability of some folks to simply do what needs to be done never ceases to amaze me. Take the folks at Ottawa County Patriots (http://www.ottawacountypatriots.org), a group of very smart and committed American Patriots who clearly love their country. Ottawa County is located on the south-west side of Michigan and includes Holland, Zeeland, Grand Haven, and a bit of … [Read more...]
The “Religion of Peace” issues death order on makers of Innocence of Muslims
How very peaceful and tolerant of the Islamic Fascists... A Muslim cleric in Egypt, Ahmad Fouad Ashoush, has ordered the murder of everyone involved in the making of "Innocence of Muslims", the YouTube video that White House Coward In Chief Barack Obama is blaming for the murder of US Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other American citizens last week. In true … [Read more...]
Followers of The Religion of Peace keep murdering… and Obama just keeps apologising
Cowardice from Barack Obama's White House is nothing out of the ordinary. In fact the world has come to expect it. The only people still surprised by the depth of his ongoing cowardice are those who believe they've seen the worst of it. His apology to the murderers of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other American citizens shows the world just how weak, how useless and … [Read more...]
Freedom of Speech and Marriage Fraud: How can they possibly be connected?
Actually, quite easily, unfortunately. Meet Lainie Towell. Yes, the photo looks a little weird, until you understand why this woman is wearing a wedding dress and carrying a full-size door, white on one side and red on the other, with the words “Mr. Immigration Minister, it’s getting heavy” emblazoned on the back of it. To quote the Ottawa Life magazine story about her … [Read more...]
Freedoms: Yours Until They Are Stolen by Jane Gaffin
People don’t give a whit about freedom as long as they naively believe the government is not goring their ox, which, they painfully discover with time, it was their own personal inalienable rights that were stealthily chipped away in silence until those freedoms no longer exist. Frequently, freedom-lovers allude to the famous “First They Came For” passage that refers to … [Read more...]
Athiests won’t feed the football team but they don’t want anyone else feeding the team either
Don’t you just love the whining morons who complain that a church is doing something even though the whiners won’t do it themselves? Take the case of churches in LaFayette, Georgia, providing meals to local football teams before games. Here are people (yes, churches are in fact filled with people) doing a great thing (feeding young athletes). I find it bizarre that … [Read more...]
Olympic Gold Medal Gymnast Aly Raisman has more class than Jacques Rogge and the entire International Olympic Committee
On August 8th I wrote about my disgust with Jacques Rogge, president of the IOC and the entire International Olympic Committee for steadfastly refusing to honour the 40th anniversary of the murder of 11 Israeli athletes at the Munich Games in 1972. That column, titled "And the Gold Medal for Cowardice goes to…. Jacques Rogge and the International Olympic Committee" made it … [Read more...]
Sometimes Profoundly Stupid Actions Have Consequences… Imagine That Adam M. Smith!
Adam M. Smith isn’t normally a stupid person. He was the chief financial officer for a very large company up until just the other day when they fired him for his incredibly bad judgment and, well, plain rudeness to a Chick-Fil-A employee at a drive-thru in Tucson, Arizona. Adam M. Smith was so profoundly stupid to not only videotape his rude and abusive diatribe, but also … [Read more...]
Ontario’s so-called “conservative” Tim Hudak claims to believe in Freedom of Speech
Freedom of Speech is such an invaluable right, but like what happens with any one of our precious Rights and Freedoms when it is taken for granted, those of us living in the western world don’t appreciate its value. We fail to understand what it is like to live in Iran or Egypt or China, where simply speaking your mind about the government can land you in prison for the rest … [Read more...]
US Supreme Court rules lying about receiving the Congressional Medal of Honor is perfectly legal, even if it’s immoral
The Stolen Valor Act made it a crime for a person to lie about being a valid recipient of any military decoration or medal. That crime was punishable by up to a year in prison if the offense involved the military’s highest honor, the Congressional Medal of Honor. This is precisely the medal that Xavier Alvarez lied about receiving. In 2007 he appeared before the Three … [Read more...]
BC’s new Animal Health Act (Bill 37) is quietly withdrawn due to outcry over prison terms for making fish farm diseases public
There is an old saying that probably began with Freedom of the Press and Freedom of Speech movement in the United States around 1750… “The public has a right to know.” That saying is based on the idea that it is best that we, the people, know what is going on around us, both good and bad. The never-ending battle for Freedom of Speech is based on the conflict between … [Read more...]
Ezra Levant’s 5-Point Plan to eradicate the Canadian Broadcasting Standards Council and Section 5 of the Canadian Television Broadcasting Regulations
On the June 18, 2012 edition of The Source, host Ezra Levant put forward his 5-point plan to rid Canada of the Canadian Censors Council, or as they like to call themselves, the Canadian Broadcast Standards Council (CBSC). As I wrote last week, membership in the CBSC is 100% voluntary. If you do NOT want a television broadcast license, you have no need to “volunteer” to join … [Read more...]
Freedom of Speech, Censorship, Ezra Levant, terrorist-supporting Chiquita Banana Company and the Cdn Broadcast Standards Council
Freedom of speech is such a tenuous Right. Every individual wants to say whatever he or she wants, but invariably demands that everyone else only say what meets with their approval. It's hypocritical but it is the human way. Or maybe it's just the Canadian way, I don't know. Ezra Levant, on his Sun News Network show The Source, invariably pushes the bounds of Freedom of … [Read more...]
Australia’s Olympic Hypocrisy and the Cowardice of Men
Imagine the scene. Britain. The 2012 Olympic Games. The nation that spawned the documents that guaranteed all subjects of the British Empire such terrible things as Freedom of Speech. In the wake of what's happened in Australia this week as the world readies for the Games you could be forgiven for not realizing Australia was part of the great British Empire at one … [Read more...]
David Horowitz’s lecture at UCLA on May 16, 2012
"We live in a time when language has become an obstacle to understanding what's happening." Horowitz nails it in this lecture. I urge you to listen to what he has to say. He gives an in-depth overview of the history of radical Islam and the Lunatic Left's part in bringing it to America. It's an excellent speech by David Horowitz and I'm amazed that it took place at UCLA … [Read more...]
The Fredericton Police Service’s blatant intimidation of blogger Charles LeBlanc
Whether or not a person is annoying is not just cause for them to be harassed by police, yet that is exactly what is happening to Fredericton blogger Charles LeBlanc. Charles LeBlanc is, by many accounts, an annoying blogger. He has been called rude and belligerent as well as names that are for worse on many occasions. His blog posts are often rambling pieces that are … [Read more...]
Religious Intolerance invades Nova Scotia School
William Swinimer’s story shocks me, not because I can’t believe it happened, but because of how the vice-principal of Forest Heights Community School in Chester Basin, N.S. characterized William’s T-shirt. The moronic school bureaucrat called the T-shirt offensive and was nothing more than “hate talk.” The language on this so-called “offensive” T-shirt? “Life is Wasted … [Read more...]
Geert Wilders and Bruce Montague: Sometimes the Cost Paid for our Rights and Freedoms is too high
As you no doubt recall, Katey Montague decided to take a step back from political activism because she felt the cost was simply too high for her to continue. After watching her father endure 7 years of trials that ended in a prison sentence and the impending seizure of the Montague family home by the Ontario government who can blame her for not wanting the same fate for … [Read more...]
Geert Wilders: Marked for Death for exercising his Right to Freedom of Speech
If you have never heard of Geert Wilders then I urge you to watch this brief video and learn about the man who has sacrificed his personal freedom by speaking out against the threat of radical Islam. Wilders has been elected to the Dutch Parliament as the founder and leader of the political party Partij voor de Vrijheid or Party for Freedom for the past 8 years and is … [Read more...]
Freedom of Speech? Not for Christian Pastors in Alberta…
As the lunatic left tries desperately to find some way of slowing down the Wildrose electoral juggernaut, such bastions of tolerance as Warren Kinsella and the Edmonton Journal have declared that pastors have no right to actually write about what they believe. This is hardly surprising from either source, both of whom believe tolerance should only be applied to their views, … [Read more...]
The United Nations’ War on Christianity
A cultural showdown is in production on the world stage against the values of the estimated 2.1 billion who belong to the world-dominant Christian religion. To establish a global government that reigns with uncompromising command-and-control power over every aspect of human life--family, children, business, money, food, education, home, dress, religion, etc.--the United … [Read more...]
Freedom of Speech? Not if a politician is nearby!
The old saying that “Truth is stranger than fiction” rang through my head as I read the report that the United States Congress had passed a law making it illegal to protest anywhere near a politician. Naturally President Obama signed it into law immediately since, if it should be illegal to protest near any member of the Political Class, obviously that should be the “God of … [Read more...]
Judge Napolitano’s Freedom Watch Speech: What If?
Judge Andrew Napolitano is one of the foremost defenders of freedom. His comprehension of the Constitution of the United States of America is arguably one of the best alive today. Until recently Judge Napolitano had his own show on the Fox News Network called "Freedom Watch" where he would espouse the benefits of freedom and demand America's government actually live by the … [Read more...]
Vic Toews: Politicians, like diapers, should be changed often, and for the same reason
While claiming it’s perfectly reasonable for the government to spy on its citizens, the shoe is clearly on the other foot in a lovely social media twist that makes a point to Canada’s Minister of Public Safety, Vic Toews. Toews is very cranky over how his personal life and details of his divorce, infidelity and lack of child support is being displayed very publicly on a … [Read more...]
Freedom to Read What You Like? Not In Canada…
If you’re a Canadian, do you believe you have the right to read whatever you like? If you do, you’re not alone, even though you are sadly and grossly mistaken. Canada, believe it or not, has a long and sordid history of banning books and magazines that some unelected and unaccountable bureaucrat has decided you should not read. You see, the Freedom to read what I like is … [Read more...]
Fredericton, NB Blogger Charles LeBlanc gains media and political support
Randy McKeen is a radio show host on "Fredericton's Country Station", KHJ Radio. The other day on his segment, The Bottom Line with Randy McKeen, the radio personality came to the support of blogger Charles LeBlanc and politely ridiculed police for arresting LeBlanc. If I didn't know better, I'd say McKeen had read my recent article on Charles LeBlanc and changed a few … [Read more...]
Charles LeBlanc: Crackpot blogger or Concerned Citizen being harassed by police?
This past Thursday morning, January 19th, Charles LeBlanc had eight members of the Fredericton City Police show up at his low-rent apartment. They arrested him and seized his computer equipment, but they refused to charge him with any crime. On the surface, it doesn’t look like much. Just some guy on welfare getting busted by police. He obviously had it coming for some … [Read more...]
Starting the New Year off Right (with a little help from Ezra Levant)
One of the best things to happen to the Canadian media landscape last year was the introduction of the Sun News Network. Finally there was a voice that was different from any other voice on Canadian television. What a treat for people like me and perhaps like you. So, to start the year off right, I want to give you one of Ezra Levant's best rants from last … [Read more...]