Bill C-304 History Brian Storseth introduced his Private Member’s Bill C-304 to repeal Section 13 (and its resultant penalty clause in Section 54) of the Canadian Human Rights Act on September 30, 2011. On June 6, 2012 Parliament Repealed Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act. Since that day Bill C-304 stagnates in the Canadian Senate, where even so-called … [Read more...]
Canadian Human Rights Act Section 13 Must Be Repealed [video]
Horrifying Headline proves just how screwed up our priorities are
Toronto Mayor Rob Ford is under fire (again) for being everything a liberal despises. Saving Toronto taxpayers over a BILLION dollars is meaningless. Ford is a jerk and there is no low too low when it comes to attacking him in the press. For the “crime” of being a conservative and doing exactly what he said he would do if elected Mayor of Toronto, the mindless lemmings of … [Read more...]
Lillooet, BC, Takes SLAPPing “Mere Citizens” to an All-New Level
Just down the road from me is the town of Lillooet. It’s a nice enough place to live except, that is, for the local politicians. They’re a nightmare; control freaks of the highest order. Back in 2010 Lillooet Mayor Dennis Bontron wanted to ban what he called “unauthorized meetings” in an effort to curb vandalism. The penalties proposed for holding an "unauthorized meeting" … [Read more...]
Hollywood’s “Anti-Piracy” Hypocrisy
It’s one thing for a Hollywood film producer to do what it can to prevent its own commercial works from being “pirated” on the internet. It’s entirely another to prevent an independent filmmaker from producing a film and intentionally sharing his work on the internet for free, yet that is exactly what Hollywood film companies Viacom, Paramount, Fox and Lionsgate are doing … [Read more...]
US State Department Gets Knickers In a Twist over 3D Printable Handgun
Earlier this week Cody Wilson, the founder of Defense Distributed, made history by creating a single-shot firearm using a 3D printer and then firing it. Personally, I find this absolutely fascinating and a marvel of human ingenuity. Wilson, often referred to in the press as “the radical libertarian and anarchist founder of Defense Distributed” successfully designed a .380 … [Read more...]
Aurora City Council Issues Formal Apology to Bloggers
In a truly astounding gesture, Aurora City Council formally voted to apologize for its role in the SLAPP lawsuit filed by former Aurora Mayor Phyllis Morris. I’ve written about this case many times before, so I was thrilled to see this announcement land in my mailbox this week. A Resounding SLAPP in the face for Politicians Wishing to Stifle our Freedom of Speech Former … [Read more...]
Arthur Topham’s Legal Woes Continue for Daring to use his Right to Freedom of Speech
From the beginning Arthur Topham’s case puzzled me. Charging Mr. Topham with “wilfully promoting hatred” under Section 319(2) of the Criminal Code of Canada seemed excessive given he already faces charges under Section 13(1) of the Canadian Human Rights Act. What makes Arthur Topham so scary? In today’s world, where we value “hurt feelings” over our Charter Rights and … [Read more...]
CCLA Applies for Intervener Status in Marc Lemire’s Constitutional Challenge of Sec. 13 Internet Censorship
The Canadian Civil Liberties Association has filed an intervention application at the Federal Court of Appeals. They are seeking to rid Canada of Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act, which is Canada’s shameful Internet censorship legislation. The CCLA recently described their intervention in the Lemire case thus: “The CCLA will be intervening to support the … [Read more...]
French “Perennial Victims” Seek $50 Million Payday from Twitter
Who “owns” your Twitter posts? The answer might just surprise you. It’s not you. So says a court in New York State. Judge Matthew Sciarrino Jr. ruled that Twitter user Malcom Harris has “no proprietary interests” in his own Twitter posts and ordered the social media giant to hand over all of Harris’ past tweets including those he had deleted. Not only is anything … [Read more...]
The Lesson of Doug Christie – A Tribute to One Man and his Commitment to Freedom of Speech
On March 11, 2013, the day I learned of Doug Christie’s death, I was both shocked and saddened by the news even though I knew it was coming. More than that, however, I felt drained and empty knowing we had lost one of the greatest Freedom Fighters in a generation. Anger burned deep inside me as I the saw the enemies of Freedom and Liberty dance with delight, knowing one of … [Read more...]
Freedom of Speech? No Thanks, We’re Canadian…
[powerpress] On Wednesday, February 27, 2013 the Supreme Court of Canada had the opportunity to stand up for Canadians’ Right to Freedom of Speech. To call their ruling in R. v. Whatcott an “Epic Fail” would be a gross understatement. When the Supreme Court starts out by explaining as it did in Whatcott, not that individual rights are the very foundation of our … [Read more...]
Illinois State Senator Ira Silverstein desperately needs a history lesson
Illinois State Senator Ira Silverstein desperately needs a history lesson This intellectual neanderthal believes anonymous commenters on the internet are a threat to Freedom and Liberty, forgetting that the Founding Fathers and framers of the Constitution of the United States of America wrote the Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers using pseudonyms to protect … [Read more...]
Prince Rupert School District Despises Freedom of Speech; Orders Teachers to Remove T-Shirts Promoting Section 2(b) of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Imagine it... a school district, supposedly in charge of educating our children, deems the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms to be “inappropriate”. No, I am not making this up. Prince Rupert School District No. 52 recently banned teachers from wearing a T-shirt with “2(b) or not 2(b)?” on the front, and the text of section 2 of the Charter on the back: 2(a) … [Read more...]
Marc Lemire Case Update – February 14, 2013
On February 14, 2013, Marc Lemire filed with the Federal Court of Appeals a devastating critique of Canada’s Internet censorship laws and the fanatical corruption of the misnamed Canadian “Human Rights” Commission. These are the legal documents which will (I hope and pray) finally bring an end to Canada’s draconian thought control apparatus: Section 13 of the “Human Rights” … [Read more...]
The Inconvenient Truth about Warren Kinsella, Guns and Freedom of Speech
Warren Kinsella is a very strange man. That’s truly the kindest thing I can say about him. Warren Kinsella believes in Freedom of Speech, but only for himself and a select few others. Kinsella’s preference, being a good Liberal at heart, is to silence anyone who disagrees with his worldview, and he’s not above using the court system to do precisely that. For we mere … [Read more...]
Arthur Topham & Hate Crime Trial: Freedom of Speech Legal Case Update
[powerpress] On Wednesday, December 19, 2012 Arthur Topham was back in the Quesnel, BC, Court house for his latest attempt at a bail hearing. The regular Judge presiding over Arthur’s case was unable to attend so a female judge, M. Church, heard the application instead. Crown Council Jennifer Johnston opened by giving Judge Church a … [Read more...]
Marc Lemire Case: the latest attack on Freedom of Speech by the Canadian Human Rights Commission
[powerpress] I had a long conversation with Marc Lemire on Wednesday evening, December 19, 2012. For those not familiar with his name, Marc Lemire is the one and only man to ever win a case against the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC). Until Lemire was hauled before this Kangaroo Court the Canadian Human Rights Commission had a … [Read more...]
An Open Letter to the Free Speech Censors at
Arthur Topham believes in his Right to Freedom of Speech. He’s a very vocal advocate for that right, and has been for many years. Arthur Topham is also the latest individual being harassed by RCMP for what they call “hate speech” on Arthur Topham’s website Even though Mr. Topham has not been convicted of any crime, the RCMP Hate Crimes Unit has … [Read more...]
A Resounding SLAPP in the face for Politicians Wishing to Stifle our Freedom of Speech
Freedom of Speech is the fundamental right of every Canadian. This right is, first and foremost, a protection for those of us who speak out about public affairs and public people. Our Right to Freedom of Speech trumps a politician’s desire to punish those who would say unkind things about her. If an individual runs for public office, we mere citizens have every right to … [Read more...]
Why we must Support Marc Lemire’s Appeal of the Bizarre Federal Court ruling on Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act
[powerpress] As you no doubt already know, MP Brian Storseth’s Private Members Bill C-304, an Act to repeal Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act, has passed the Canadian Parliament. However, it must still pass the Senate before this piece of freedom-crushing legislation will be gone for good. In the meantime, Marc Lemire’s … [Read more...]
Freedom of Speech Personified: Pat Condell tells it like it is!
While Pat Condell and I will obviously disagree on the topic of God, we agree on far more than we disagree. He is an outspoken proponent of Freedom of Speech and is, along with many other European commentators, doing his best to alert the Western World to the threat posed by radical islam and it's murderous followers. Pat Condell, to quote the Wikipedia entry for him, is … [Read more...]
Malala Yousufzai: shot in the head for the “crime” of wanting an education
Fourteen-year-old Malala Yousufzai is a girl who has high ambitions. She wants to be a doctor. Well, at least she did before some terrorist Taliban moron shot her in the head and throat for her audacity. Who knows if she will survive her wounds and be able to accomplish that dream. The Taliban immediately took credit for this heinous act. Of course they did. These pathetic … [Read more...]
Pastor Terry Jones Barred Entry. So Much for Freedom of Speech in Canada…
Florida Pastor Terry Jones is best known for his outspoken opposition to islam. He made international headlines when he burned a Koran two years ago on the anniversary of 9/11. He also created and promoted “International Burn a Koran Day” as a way of protesting against radical islam. Terry Jones was scheduled to debate Toronto imam on the film Innocence of Muslims outside … [Read more...]
Freedom of Speech: The 27th Annual George Orwell Free Speech Awards
Imagine you are the parents of three young children. Imagine one of those children runs and falls into your precious little girl, landing harshly on her head. Discovering your child's injury, you rush your child to the hospital where you expect your child will immediately receive the medical attention she requires. Never in your wildest nightmares would you believe … [Read more...]
Seems in Obama’s America Freedom of Speech applies ONLY to Muslims
Welcome to Obama's America, where you can say anything you want about Islam, just so long as its positive. Say something denigrating and, well, the director of "Innocence of Muslims", Nakoula Basseley (or Mark Basseley Youssef if you prefer), is living proof that the Obama White House, ever ready to pander to muslim extremists, will get you any way it can. In Basseley's … [Read more...]
Canadian Islamic Hypocrisy at its finest…
This video clip is of an anti-American demonstration in Toronto, Ontario, Canada where Muslims marched on the American Embassy. Look for the two enormous lies that the Tonto imam peddles in the hopes that nobody will notice. In case you missed them... 1. "Free speech does not give you a right to go and attack somebody’s faith." Yes. It does. In fact that is the … [Read more...]
Rep. Allen West has some choice words for useless US Ambassador to the United Nations
Lieutenant Colonel Allen West (Congressman for Florida's 22 District) is one of my favourite American politicians, and for good reason. He doesn't mince words. He doesn't care of he offends the chuckleheads. He calls things precisely as he sees them and doesn't give a damn if he is "politically correct" when he does it. He despises the cowardice of the Obama … [Read more...]
The US Government believes you’re a right-wing terrorist if…
The US Government believes you're a right-wing terrorist if... you have a brain and aren't afraid to use it. The US Government routinely demeans, denigrates, ridicules, detests and prosecutes individuals for the "thought crime" of believing what the Constitution of the Constitution of the United States of America actually says. The United States Government has, … [Read more...]
Muslims cannot control themselves so our Right to Freedom of Speech must be surrendered?
The claim goes like this. Our Freedom of Speech must be denied because of those who speak ill of Islam so enrages muslims that they cannot prevent themselves from becoming homicidal lunatics. It's not their fault... you mocked Muhammad and therefore are to blame for any violence that muslims commit. Hogwash like this makes about as much sense as anything else coming out of … [Read more...]