I can ask people if they have heard of Agenda 21. The inevitable answer is “no”. The response to my short explanation is either met with disdainful silence or with a “you don’t know what you’re talking about” retort. If I ask the same people the same question 30 days later they still say “no” they haven’t heard of Agenda 21. Obviously, my explanation didn’t register with … [Read more...]
Police overwhelmingly support C-30’s warrantless searches and violation of privacy
It really isn’t a shock to see police chiefs from across Canada coming out in support of the warrantless search and privacy violations contained in Bill C-30, disingenuously named “Protecting Children from Internet Predators Act”. The Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (CACP) even go so far as calling it a “reasonable tool” in the battle against crime. Obviously they … [Read more...]
Unless you have a Government Permission Slip to break the law (a licence) you’re going to jail
What is a licence? It is nothing more than a Government Permission Slip (GPS) to break the law. Just because you may choose not to believe me doesn’t make it any less true. It is a crime to do a myriad of things in Canada today; things that should not be a crime, yet are. Politicians mistakenly believe they must always be doing something when the very best thing they could … [Read more...]
Zero Tolerance = Zero Common Sense = Zero Justice
The case of Jessie Sansone and his ordeal at the hands of the Almighty State should sound the alarm bells deep inside every Canadian's brain. Three government agencies, all now abdicating responsibility for the fiasco, combined for a perfect storm of abuse upon Jessie Sansone, all because his 4-year-old daughter drew a picture of her dad holding a gun. NEWS FLASH! … [Read more...]
Vic Toews: Politicians, like diapers, should be changed often, and for the same reason
While claiming it’s perfectly reasonable for the government to spy on its citizens, the shoe is clearly on the other foot in a lovely social media twist that makes a point to Canada’s Minister of Public Safety, Vic Toews. Toews is very cranky over how his personal life and details of his divorce, infidelity and lack of child support is being displayed very publicly on a … [Read more...]
Gun Owners Continue to Face Criminal Charges for a Law That Doesn’t Exist
I am flipping tired of the unmitigated hubris that continues to spur Canada’s game-playing cops and court system in their indefatigable zeal to prosecute innocent gun owners with the same pesky, recycled sections of the Canadian Firearms Act. In order to demonize gun owners to the hilt, the Government of Canada saw its way clear, at the behest of the United Nations, to dump … [Read more...]
Conservative MP Cheryl Gallant understands why gun owners hate the Firearms Act. Pity the Minister of Public Safety, Vic Toews, isn’t listening to her
On Tuesday, February 7, 2012, Conservative MP Cheryl Gallant rose in the House of Commons and made the following speech. In it she highlights why everyday law-abiding Canadian gun owners despise Canada’s Firearms Act, and why, to quote her, “The creation by the Liberals of a new criminal class, rural firearm owners, was the ultimate triumph of the negative political politics” … [Read more...]
Freedom to Read What You Like? Not In Canada…
If you’re a Canadian, do you believe you have the right to read whatever you like? If you do, you’re not alone, even though you are sadly and grossly mistaken. Canada, believe it or not, has a long and sordid history of banning books and magazines that some unelected and unaccountable bureaucrat has decided you should not read. You see, the Freedom to read what I like is … [Read more...]
Fredericton, NB Blogger Charles LeBlanc gains media and political support
Randy McKeen is a radio show host on "Fredericton's Country Station", KHJ Radio. The other day on his segment, The Bottom Line with Randy McKeen, the radio personality came to the support of blogger Charles LeBlanc and politely ridiculed police for arresting LeBlanc. If I didn't know better, I'd say McKeen had read my recent article on Charles LeBlanc and changed a few … [Read more...]
NDP’s François Pilon the latest nutbar to buy into Gun Registry Lies and Deceit
It’s really not surprising to find more NDP hacks coming out of the woodwork crowing how the country will collapse into anarchy of the error-riddled gun registry is killed, as Conservatives plan. Clearly looking for some easy and free publicity, Pilon used the Laval Police Department chief as his crutch to stand before the usual media circus to claim “the sky is … [Read more...]
The Office of Religious Freedom? Do we really need another cadre of bureaucrats to tell us what the Charter of Rights and Freedoms Section 2 says?
I must admit I was horrified when I heard the name "Office of Religious Freedom." The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms clearly says the following: 2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms: (a) freedom of conscience and religion; (b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of … [Read more...]
The Canadian Charter Isn’t Providing Protection
"It has occurred to me that I'm far more afraid of my own government than of any 'terrorist organisation'. Our wonderful representatives in Ottawa spout off about human rights violations in Iraq, etc., but seem perfectly content to subject Canadian citizens to unwarranted search and seizure, take away the protection against self-incrimination, and break their own rules … [Read more...]
Terrorism Law: A War on Internet
All levels of government are trying to feed balderdash to ordinary Canadians as a way of brainwashing them into feeling guilty unless they willingly accept reverse onus (guilty as charged and no way to prove innocence) without uttering a whimper or protest to unwarranted Internet surveillance. (Translation: stupid, low-life minions aren’t trustworthy or deserving, let alone … [Read more...]
Was Ireneusz Janiszewski Exercising His Charter Rights or Obstructing Justice?
I've been meaning to write about this for a few days, but other things just get in the way sometimes. That's unfortunate, because this is an important case that deserves attention. On May 30th, 2011 Ireneusz Janiszewski photographed police arresting a man who was allegedly drunk in public and causing a disturbance. It is a fact that you are allowed to photograph and/or … [Read more...]
Judge says RCMP violated their rights, tosses drug case citing Charter violations
Let me first state that if you came here expecting to read me bashing the RCMP over another Charter violation, you're going to be disappointed. You are correct in your presumption that when I'm writing about the RCMP and Charter violations, it's usually to tear a strip off them for blatantly disregarding the Charter. That's usually the way it goes, and I stand behind every … [Read more...]
Ottawa Police threaten to take her son away unless she consents to search. Justice Heidi Polowin rules that’s okay.
There are days that our [alleged] justice system makes me want to puke. Today is one of those days. In a ruling that baffles my brain, Ontario Superior Court Justice Heidi Polowin ruled that despite being “ganged up on” and threatened by police and a Children’s Aid Society worker that they would take away her one-year-old son, the resulting illegal search, called a … [Read more...]
Rookie Woodstock Constables violate Charter, get case tossed
"This could only happen in Canada, the judge rules and that's it," said Charlie Dalgarno, past-president of the Woodstock Royal Canadian Legion. Legion members were very upset with the ruling by Judge Marietta Roberts that set alleged swastika graffiti painter Christopher Saggau free. Saggau was accused of painting swastikas on the Victoria Park Cenotaph the night before … [Read more...]
Canada Day, Freedom of Speech, Comedian Guy Earle and the BC Supreme Court
It's Canada Day, and today I'd like to talk a little about our Charter Right to Freedom of Speech. It's a Right that is under increasing attack by a set of quasi-judicial boards that like to think of themselves as "great equalizers". More like "great stupid people". Really. What else can you call rewarding lesbian Lorna Pardy with $22,500 just because her "feelings were … [Read more...]
Naked Man paraded before female cops, Bill Blair makes excuses
A man was arrested at the G20 last year, was stripped naked and then paraded before a female Toronto City Police constable. Predictably, Toronto Police Services Chief Bill Blair says, "The video may not entirely speak for itself. And there’s a lot of circumstances and facts that are not yet evident in that video. It’s important to get all the facts before I make a comment on … [Read more...]
Corporations use lawsuits to Muzzle our Freedom of Speech
Canadians supposedly enjoy, under our Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Right to Freedom of Speech. That Right has been reduced to a mere privilege over the past 40 years through the use of Human Rights Tribunals and Hate Crime legislation. What used to be our God-given Right is now reduced to mere "Approved Speech". The trouble for Canadians is this: Who must we get … [Read more...]
Innocent until proven Guilty? No thanks, this is Canada!
...or "Give us your DNA or else!" That's basically the statement from Ontario Provincial Police Constable Peter Leon the other day. If you don't give police a DNA sample, then you will be presumed guilty of murder and treated as a murderer. Evidence? We don't need evidence? You refused a demand from the Almighty State! Clearly you missed your "re-education" sessions … [Read more...]
The Hunt for Sonia Varaschin’s Murderer casts a wide net
Sonia Varaschin was a beautiful woman, cut down in the prime of her life by an unknown killer. Unkown at least for now. Sonia was reported missing on September 1st, 2010, and her body was found five days later in a rural area about 12 kms southeast of Orangeville, Ontario. She was attacked in her home, and then driven in her own car to a remote location where her body … [Read more...]
Illegal RCMP Searches in Slave Lake?
The residents of Slave Lake Alberta have been through the worst disaster most families will ever have to face: losing everything you own overnight. If you haven't been following the news, a massive fire took out about half of Slave Lake. It is a complete and utter disaster zone. News reports began surfacing on Sunday that the RCMP was searching all the homes in Slave Lake, … [Read more...]
Blastogram: The Art of Ignorance and Public Servants
The police and government bureaucrats have sunk into a despicable habit of laying arbitrary, unfounded accusations that allows only for ineffectual denial as a defense. It is sick that people can lose their assets--and sometimes be sentenced to prison--based solely on “he said/she said” evidence. I have warned people not to go into a government office or meeting unless … [Read more...]
Another Illegal RCMP Search tossed out of court
Dwayne Carron was being pretty dumb. He was caught speeding. And not just “speeding”… but speeding 65 kms over the posted speed limit. That’s just begging for trouble, and trouble is exactly what Mr. Carron got. He was pulled over by Constable Allan Douglas Roberts, who proceeded to illegally search Mr. Carron’s vehicle, first by reaching into the glove box searching for … [Read more...]
Governments Want Total People Control
“Unbelievable” was my first reaction when I started reading about the Polk Parkway tollbooth in the Tampa area that doesn’t like cash. As I read on, I realized this was more than a government snafu; it was another blatant display of people-control where the taxpayers are both the victims and financiers of the same criminal enterprise. Am I surprised to hear that a … [Read more...]