After Bill C-19 passed and was proclaimed into law Canada’s so-called “Long Gun Registry” was officially dead. Except that it wasn’t. The law said it was, but the RCMP is still dragging its heels when it comes to actually deleting the data contained in the registry database. They claimed it will take months to work out the details of how to delete the data which is, to be … [Read more...]
Why Toronto City Councillor Adam Vaughan is a complete and utter moron
Toronto City Councillor Adam Vaughan is a complete and utter moron if he thinks that banning the lawful sale of products to law-abiding citizens will have any impact at all on the violent criminals shooting up downtown Toronto. This isn't the first time that the moronic Vaughan has focused on the people who are NOT the problem, and I'm sure it won't be the last time either. … [Read more...]
Another Gun Registry Success!
Yes, it’s another gun registry success in La Belle Provence early Sunday morning as two unknown gunmen traded shots across a crowded intersection of Prince Arthur and Saint-Dominique streets on Montreal’s Plateau. Thank God we have registered handguns since 1934 here in Canada… and I also thank God that we’ve required every individual who owns a handgun in Canada to have an … [Read more...]
Trayvon Martin Case: when political agendas are more important than the facts
The Trayvon Martin Case has become the classic example of how a political agenda can drive the reporting of a case, and in this case, twists and distorts reality to fit that agenda. Take this photo of Trayvon Martin, for example. This image ran with opinion pieces on this case across the world. Well, you can't call them reporting, since the photo is itself a fabrication … [Read more...]
Gun Owners Continue to Face Criminal Charges for a Law That Doesn’t Exist
I am flipping tired of the unmitigated hubris that continues to spur Canada’s game-playing cops and court system in their indefatigable zeal to prosecute innocent gun owners with the same pesky, recycled sections of the Canadian Firearms Act. In order to demonize gun owners to the hilt, the Government of Canada saw its way clear, at the behest of the United Nations, to dump … [Read more...]
Sun TV’s Brian Lilley comprehends the issue, why can’t Public Safety Minister Vic Toews?
As most in the know in gun circles has been aware of for some time, the RCMP is demanding that owners of a specific .22 calibre rifle, the Armi Jager AP-80, turn in their rifles for destruction without compensation. This rifle that merely looks like, as Brian Lilley said on his Sun TV show Byline, "the dreaded AK-47", but has no parts in common with it and cannot be converted … [Read more...]
Anti-gun Joyce Foundation doles out $15 million
When the Joyce Foundation, a rabidly anti-gun organization, announced their winners of the Summer 2010 grants... given that Chicago is the current battle-ground for the Second Amendment's right to keep and bear arms, the following statement from the press release comes as no surprise: "The Joyce Foundation announced it is awarding 68 organizations more than $15 million in its … [Read more...]
Anti-Gunners: Sometimes it is better to keep silent and let the world think you’re a fool…
There is a wise old saying based on Proverbs 17:28 that goes like this: Sometimes it’s better to remain silent and let the world think you’re a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. John W. Warnock is precisely such a man who should have remained silent and let the world think he is a fool… On November 29, 2011, John Warnock had a letter published in the … [Read more...]
Gangster Murder shines the light of Truth on the Gun Registry Lie
Date: November 6, 2011 Crime: Murder Location: Downtown Vancouver -- Ash and West 7th Avenue Nearest Police Station: 1 block away Weapon Used: Handgun Handgun Registration Implemented in Canada since: 1934 Sunday morning’s broad daylight hit just a block from a police station in downtown Vancouver is just the latest round in The Big Lie and the Gun … [Read more...]
An Open Letter to the OFAH, the CSSA, the NFA, and…
and All Canadian Wildlife and Sporting Organizations by Al Muir On 15 May 1995 Parliament’s Standing Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs held a hearing on the Liberals’ Bill C-68. Speaking for the National Coalition of Provincial and Territorial Wildlife Federations in vehement opposition to this unjust law, Mr. Rick Morgan of the Ontario Federation of Anglers … [Read more...]
Valley Rifle Club writes an Open Letter to Prime Minister Harper
Don Klein is a friend of mine who is very active in Alberta, both on the firearms issue, and on the broader issue of our God-given rights and freedoms. He has written a letter to Prime Minister Harper asking him to keep his many past promises on the Firearms Act, and specifically the amendments it made to the Criminal Code of Canada, sections 91 and 92, which make the mere … [Read more...]
What a difference an imaginary line makes in Police attitude toward civilian firearms ownership
I came across a news story from just south of the BC -- Washington State border... you know, the big imaginary line called the 49th Parallel that separates Canada from the United States. And it smacked me right in the face what a huge difference that imaginary line makes in the attitudes of police towards citizens with firearms. Here in Canada, for example, the RCMP and … [Read more...]
Obama wants more “gun control”… shocked, I am!
It's no shocker that Obama wants more "gun control". Of course he does! It's also no surprise that he blames gun owners for the problems, without actually putting it into those words. Everyone know he'd be making some dumbass announcement about "gun control" after Congress-woman Gabrielle Giffords was shot along with dozens of others. It was only a matter of … [Read more...]
Father of murdered 9-year-old speaks out
It will break your heart to listen to him in this Fox News interview.... the father of the little girl murdered by the lunatic in Tucson Arizona speaks out about what happened, and what he thinks should be done in the wake of his young daughter's death. Like Suzanna Gratia Hupp in 1991, John doesn't believe the answer is to blame the gun, to blame the inanimate object. And … [Read more...]
Vote Candice Hoeppner for 2010’s Biggest Game Changer
There's a poll going on at CBC right now under the title "Who was the biggest Game Changer in 2010? My vote goes to Candice Hoeppner for all her hard work on the gun issue. To vcte, just head over to the link above. As I write this, the vote looks like this: Now, no disrespect intended to Mr. Nenshi, but getting elected Mayor of Calgary doesn't exactly have … [Read more...]
Bruce Montague and the Canadian Bar Association
Joe Gingrich, one of the members of Bruce Montague's Case Management Team, has been digging into the Canadian Bar Association in his effort to find evidence of legal bias towards gun owners. In an article released recently, he paints a pretty strong picture for that bias. You can read the entire thing over at my other site The article is titled: It's NOT … [Read more...]
Wayne Easter: Your Rep to Ottawa? Or Ottawa’s Rep to You?
Liberal MP Wayne Easter's website begins with promise. "I am committed to bringing your voice to Ottawa, by ensuring your concerns are heard and working with you to create opportunities for growth in our province." He forgot to add the end of the sentence though.... "but only if I agree with you." Otherwise, he's just one more politician bringing Ottawa's voice to … [Read more...]
Jack Layton Showing Integrity???
Anyone who knows me knows I'm no fan of Jack Layton's. I think he's an opportunistic man who will do almost anything to get in front of a TV camera. So his stand on "allowing" a free vote on Bill C-391 is very surprising to me. It's no secret that old Jack is anti-gun. If he had his way he'd ban them all in a heartbeat. Good thing he doesn't get his way, if you're a gun … [Read more...]
communist broadcasting corp (CBC) at it again…
The CBC (aka communist broadcasting corporation) is demanding we save Canada's failed gun registry. Their reasons are simple enough... the RCMP says it's an important tool. They quote a line from the unreleased report that says: The program, as a whole, is an important tool for law enforcement. It also serves to increase accountability of firearm owners for their … [Read more...]
Rural Canadians – Second Class Citizens?
While Candice Hoeppner jets around the country doing her best to convince opposition MPs to support her bill to scrap the long gun registry (Bill C-391), there is a question we as a society really need to ask ourselves. Why does Parliament show such disdain for rural Canadians? Yes, I'm speaking of Canada's stupid gun registry, but that's not all. We'll send western … [Read more...]
Preview of Canada’s Next Steps in Gun Control
Australia spent hundreds of millions of dollars to buy back firearms in the mid-90's. Like all do-gooder projects, the government felt this would keep guns out of the hands of criminals. Like all do-gooder legislation that's not been properly thought through, it's been a massive failure. Never ones to give up hope, however, the current government of Queensland has decided … [Read more...]
Katey Montague and Bill C-391 to scrap Canada’s “Long Gun Registry”
Whether you like the bill or hate it, one thing is certain: it will be a very interesting vote this fall. Katey Montague, the "YouTube starlet" as she's been called, recently released another video, this time directed squarely at Liberal leader Michael Ignatief. Taking shots at Iggy isn't difficult, especially on this issue. He's waffled over this since like mad ever since … [Read more...]
Council of Guysborough, NS — SHUT UP!
Greg Vandermeulen's August 1st diatribe "Municipal support for MP's bill is wrong" is, well, wrong. Greg is all upset because the good folks on Guysborough passed a resolution demanding their MP support Candice Hoeppner's Private Members Bill C-391 when it comes up for third reading later this year. He says they've overstepped their bounds. He also states "Nobody with a … [Read more...]
Chicago’s Moronic Mayor Daley
Now here is a a guy that just plain doesn't get it. Chicago is one of the major US cities that has banned handguns from honest citizens because thugs and gang members control entire sections of the city through violence and murder. He blames the honest citizens of Chicago for the actions of violent criminals. Typical. Sounds so very... Canadian. Chicago's high … [Read more...]
More anti-gun stupidity from Across the Pond
Britain is nothing if not ban-happy. It wasn't enough to ban guns after the Dunblane Massacre back in 1989. They're now going after starter pistols. Why? Because some criminals used them recently in some holdups. Granted, the thugs had converted them from blank-firing to be able to fire live ammunition, but as with all bans for political reasons, this one is having … [Read more...]
Congratulate Guysborough, NS City Council
It's a pity Liberal MP Roger Cuzner doens't have the courage to vote the will of his constituents. Note his parroting of Ignatief's line "a non-criminal ticketing offense". As Katey Montague says in her latest video, Ignatief doesn't want to send you to jail, at least not the first time. He'd rather steal your money (fine you) instead. … [Read more...]
Imagine: a Sheriff on the side of law-abiding citizens
Tehama County Sheriff Parker (Tehama County is in California) is a law enforcement officer who actually comprehends the issue. Criminals don't obey laws. "My biggest argument is this does nothing what so ever to take ammunition out of the hands of criminals. All it does is once this bill is implemented, there's going to be a cost involved that will be passed on to law abiding … [Read more...]