I received an interesting email the other day from Pastor Jim Butler of the Free Grace Baptist Church, located in Chilliwack, BC. He drafted a letter to Ontario Members of Provincial Parliament (MPPs) and the Ontario Attorney General and wanted my input on that letter before sending it. You can download and read that letter … [Read more...]
Guntersville Mayor Leigh Dollar is just another jackbooted thug, albeit with perfume…
Is there no end to the raft of elected officials who cannot comprehend the oath of office they swear? You know, those pesky little section where they affirm they will “support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic”? It’s a simple phrase and an even simpler concept, yet time and time again we hear of duly elected officials doing the exact … [Read more...]
Firearm Manufacturers Fight Back Against New York “Assault Weapon” Ban
New York State recently implemented a ban on the sale of AR-15 style firearms, limited magazine capacity to 7 bullets and a state-wide firearm owner licensing standard and gun registry. Naturally, these bans and magazine capacity limits apply only to we mere citizens, not to agents of the Almighty State. Within hours of New York's gun ban announcement 7 companies … [Read more...]
Getting Liberty Backward
Even when they're doing the right thing, Liberty-minded politicians just seem to get it all backwards. A recent news report out of Arkansas both gives me hope and leaves me shaking my head in wonder. Arkansas Governor Mike Beebe, a Democrat, signed into law on Monday a bill that allows concealed-carry permit holders to take their weapons into churches. The Church … [Read more...]
Bruce Montague Appeals Firearm Destruction Order
Bruce Montague, the Ontario gunsmith who challenged the constitutionality of Canada's Firearms Act, is appealing the destruction order for over $100,000 of his firearms. Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) seized Montague's entire firearm collection back in 2004 when he was arrested and charged with violating Canada's Firearms Act. Bruce Montague and several other men defied … [Read more...]
Registration Leads to Confiscation and much worse… Just ask Ontario Gunsmith Bruce Montague
Sun News Commentator Brian Lilley did an excellent segment on how registration leads to confiscation in his January 8, 2013 installment of his show Byline. In that segment Lilley described the insanity of Ian Thomson being forced to defend himself against criminal charges for the so-called “crime” of defending his life against 4 men trying to kill him. He went on to … [Read more...]
The Inconvenient Truth about Warren Kinsella, Guns and Freedom of Speech
Warren Kinsella is a very strange man. That’s truly the kindest thing I can say about him. Warren Kinsella believes in Freedom of Speech, but only for himself and a select few others. Kinsella’s preference, being a good Liberal at heart, is to silence anyone who disagrees with his worldview, and he’s not above using the court system to do precisely that. For we mere … [Read more...]
Is America Governed by a Leader or Ruled by a Tyrant?
"When dictators come to power, the first thing they do is take away the people’s weapons. It makes it so much easier to force the will of the ruler upon the ruled. I do not believe that [our nation's leaders] have any desire to impose a dictatorship upon us. But this does not mean that such will always be the case. A nation rent internally, as ours has been in recent years, … [Read more...]
Happy Gun Appreciation Day!
Today is the day millions of Americans will show their support for the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States. Dubbed "National Gun Appreciation Day", this event will show President Obama exactly how much opposition he faces as he tries forcing harsh "gun control" measures down America's throat via executive order. From GunAppreciationDay.com: On … [Read more...]
Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee – How did this gun-hating bigot get elected in Texas?
Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee - How did this gun-hating bigot get elected in Texas? Texas, at least in my mind, is the one place where the Liberty mindset still resides in America. The famous phrase “Don’t Mess With Texas!” is one I’ve heard more times than I can even remember and it instills in me a sense of pride, knowing there is a place on the planet where … [Read more...]
Obama bathes in the blood of victims, gun owners fight back against “gun control” executive orders
President Barack Obama will do what every "gun control" advocate does when attempting to advanced more Liberty-crushing leftist ideology: he will bathe in the blood of the victims. Worse, he will cower behind a human shield of children while he proclaims his desire to rid America of guns. In the Brave New America, it's Obama's Way or the highway as he attempts to force his … [Read more...]
Ian Thomson Case: The Full Legal Decision
[powerpress] Ian Thomson was acquitted of unsafe storage of firearms charges on January 3, 2013. You can download the full transcript of the decision here: http://rightsandfreedoms.s3.amazonaws.com/pdf/THOMSON-IAN-TRANSCRIPT_20130103.pdf While I personally haven't read it fully yet, I'm told it makes for some interesting reading. I'll … [Read more...]
San Antonio – The Theatre Shooting You’ve Never Heard Of
Does anyone aside from me find it bizarre that the mainstream press utterly ignores shootings where the would-be mass killer is stopped by a good guy with a gun? The restaurant and theatre shooting in San Antonio, just 2 days after the school shooting tragedy in Connecticut, is basically a ghost story as far as the mainstream media is concerned. Outside of “pro-gun” … [Read more...]
Ian Thomson’s Interview with SunTV’s Brian Lilley
The day after Ian Thomson was acquitted of bogus unsafe storage charges in Welland, Ontario, Brian Lilley from the SunTV show Byline interview him. Here is that interview. If you are able to help Ian Thomson with part of his outstanding $30,000 legal bill for defending himself against charges that should never have been brought in the first place, please send your … [Read more...]
The Journal News’ Caryn A. McBride Hires ARMED bodyguards? Oh, the irony!
On December 27th, 2012 I wrote the article "Hypocritical Anti-Gunners: Be Very Careful What You Wish For" in which I discussed the antics of the anti-gun zealots inhabiting the offices of The Journal News, a newspaper based in Rockland County, New York. In that article I wrote the following: Anti-gun zealots get a lot more than they bargained for after publishing the names … [Read more...]
The sign you’ll NEVER see posted on Nancy Pelosi’s front door, but she insists be post on yours.
[powerpress] As I wrote the other day in "And the 2012 Hypocrisy Award goes to…", anti-gun hypocrites believe guns in their hands (or the hands of their publicly-funded security agents) are absolutely fine... it's guns in the hands of we mere citizens that they think are the big problem. The gun-banning fanatics insist that if we just took all the guns guns away from … [Read more...]
Hypocritical Anti-Gunners: Be Very Careful What You Wish For
[powerpress] Anti-gun zealots get a lot more than they bargained for after publishing the names and home addresses of New York handgun permit holders. On December 24, 2012, The Journal News got up on it's high horse and published an article titled "The gun owner next door: What you don't know about the weapons in in your neighborhood", which … [Read more...]
The Real Reasons for Mass Shootings
When you read today about Adam Lanza having 'trouble relating' to fellow students and teachers, ask yourself this question: what is the standard definition of a psychopath? Here it is: "a person with a psychopathic personality, which manifests as amoral and antisocial behavior, lack of ability to love or establish meaningful personal relationships, extreme egocentricity, … [Read more...]
SunTV’s David Menzies – One Class Act
Sun News morning host David Menzies is often considered a comedian with little serious to say. Monday morning on his "Menzoid Mornings" segment David Menzies proved otherwise with his incredibly thoughtful and classy commentary on the Friday massacre of 20 children and 6 adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. … [Read more...]
Ending School Shootings once and for all – A Simple 3-Step Plan
[powerpress] As I wrote the other day in "Gun-Free Zones Kill Kids" there is a very simple way to end school shootings once and for all. We as a people are simply too cowardly to face that reality because it offends our delicate sensibilities. We think we're "above" doing what is necessary to protect our children from lunatics who want to kill … [Read more...]
My thoughts and prayers go out to the families of the victims of the Connecticut school shooting
[powerpress] Friday's school shooting is a tragedy of unprecedented proportion. The horror of this mass murder is felt across the world, and I'm hardly alone in expressing my shock and horror at what a single madman did. Authorities in Connecticut released the names of the victims in the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. Here are the names … [Read more...]
Gun-Free Zones Kill Kids
[powerpress] Before I go any further, I want to express my deepest condolences to the families of every child and adult who was so senselessly murdered yesterday. My most sincere thoughts and prayers go out to every one of those families. [hr] All day Friday the news poured out of Connecticut about the latest tragic and horrifying shooting of … [Read more...]
Mass Hysteria: Government’s Age-Old Boogeyman by Jane Gaffin
Has the world suddenly gone bonkers? Well, no. The world seemingly has been afflicted with mass insanity since time immemorial. Hi-tech toys merely allow the madness to be refined. Eavesdropping on every telephone conversation, snooping into every e-mail message, cameras and recorders spying on and listening to citizens on every street corner, super-snoop … [Read more...]
“Windy Wendy” Cukier wastes no time in whining to the media about court loss
"Windy Wendy" Cukier, ever the complainer, didn't waste a second in getting her sniveling complaints out to the media in the wake of Ontario Superior Court of Justice Judge D. M. Brown's decision to kill The Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic lawsuit to keep the long gun registry data. "This decision is a setback but we will continue to fight for sensible controls on … [Read more...]
Since the RCMP won’t delete the long gun registry data like the law says, the CSSA wants to make the database completely useless
The Canadian Shooting Sports Association (CSSA) is not impressed with the RCMP's refusal to obey the law and delete long gun records from Canada's useless gun registry. With the passage of Bill C-19 and its Royal Assent on April 5, 2012 all of this data was to be destroyed, but the RCMP has yet to destroy a single record according to sources close to the RCMP. In the … [Read more...]
City of Toronto reverses decision to ban medal-winning sport shooters from Ontario Summer Games promotional event
Cockroaches and politicians have one thing in common. Both scurry for the shadows when the spotlight is on them. In the case of Toronto politicians, that spotlight is public displeasure with their latest stupid decision. As I wrote yesterday, gold-medal sport shooters Chris Baldwin, 18, and Sabrina Sergeant, 17, were told they were not welcome as Ambassadors to promote the … [Read more...]
Ontario Summer Games Committee to award-winning target shooters: You’re Not Welcome Here
Politicians and bureaucrats have an incredible talent for sending precisely the wrong message. In this regard the Government of Ontario and the City of Toronto have combined for a new all-time low: blaming two award-winning sport shooting youths for Toronto’s ongoing gun and gang crime problem. Chris Baldwin, 18, and Sabrina Sergeant, 17, are both very accomplished … [Read more...]
Common Sense from Toronto City Council? Who’d have thunk it!
As Matt Gurney of the National Post said, it was a rare outbreak of sanity in Toronto as the Toronto City Council voted against banning bullets inside the city limits. The city that voted so stupidly to ban plastic bags managed to find an ounce or two of common sense this past Thursday as they voted down moronic city councilor Adam Vaughan’s motion to ban bullets. At 28-13 … [Read more...]
Britain’s Olympic Shooting Hypocrisy
Britain's anti-gun fanaticism means they would rather not field anyone in the Olympic Men's Rapid Fire Pistol event than allow two serving British soldiers to compete. Britain's hypocrisy is obviously at an all-time high leading up to the 2012 Olympics. Warrant Officer Morgan Cook and Corporal Ian Jack both shot qualifying scores that would have put them on Britain's … [Read more...]
Australia’s Olympic Hypocrisy and the Cowardice of Men
Imagine the scene. Britain. The 2012 Olympic Games. The nation that spawned the documents that guaranteed all subjects of the British Empire such terrible things as Freedom of Speech. In the wake of what's happened in Australia this week as the world readies for the Games you could be forgiven for not realizing Australia was part of the great British Empire at one … [Read more...]