The idea of an appointed government overseer for every person born sounds ludicrous, doesn’t it? Surely such a bloated bureaucracy exists only in the imagination of Nanny State promoters, right? Who could believe such a plan was hatched in Scotland. Not only was it hatched in Scotland, this Big Brother’s Wet Dream, also known as the Children and Young People … [Read more...]
Should Arthur Topham Have Sexually Assaulted 23 Women Instead?
That may seem a strange title for an article about our legal system, but after reading about Campbell Ernest Crichton, the former Duncan, BC, physiotherapist who faces charges he sexually assaulted at least 23 of his former patients, it seems to be the correct title. A February 21, 2014, article in The Province started thus: A hearing has been ordered in the case of a … [Read more...]
Canadian Musicians Demand Internet Censorship on top of Taxpayer Subsidies
If I were a Canadian musician I would like to think I'd be ashamed to be associated with Music Canada or it's chief whiner, Graham Henderson. This self-righteous yahoo believes the only way to save Canadian musicians is to censor the internet. Why? Because he believes there are too many "illegal music sharing sites" available through search engine results. It doesn't … [Read more...]
Arthur Topham’s Continuing Legal Battle for his Right to Freedom of Speech
As I’ve written many times before Quesnel, BC, resident Arthur Topham is embroiled in a battle for his Right to Freedom of Speech. Those who dislike what Arthur has to say used both Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act (now repealed) and the Criminal Code section against “hate crimes” to attack him and strip him of that precious right. While Section 13 of the Canadian … [Read more...]
Petty Vancouver Bureaucrats and Their Hatred of Dogs and Dog Owners
A friend of mine lives in Vancouver’s Olympic Village. She is a delightful woman who happens to own a Whippet, an unusual-looking dog but a great companion. As all dog owners in Vancouver, my friend is required to purchase a permission slip from local government in order to keep her dog. Bureaucrats call that a “dog license.” As I’ve discussed many times before on this … [Read more...]
CSIS Does “End-Run” Around Privacy Law to Spy on Canadians Abroad
It’s as horrifying as it is becoming routine: Canadian police agencies lying to Judges in Court so they can keep violating the law they are supposed to uphold. This time is the Canadian spy agency CSIS that’s caught in the spotlight. Judge Richard Mosley wasn’t pleased when he discovered CSIS and the Communication Security Establishment of Canada (CSEC) lied to him. Both … [Read more...]
Heading to the US? Be Warned: Canadian Government Discloses Personal Medical Records to Americans
Is it unreasonable to think your personal, private medical records would remain, well, private? No, it is not. The Canadian Government, however, is not acting reasonably, as one unfortunate woman discovered as she tried to visit the United States to attend a March of Dimes cruise. Ellen Richardson, a 50-year-old disabled woman, was refused entry into the United States by the … [Read more...]
US Eminent Domain Case proves government should leave mere citizens alone
It was a landmark ruling when it first came out, cited by anyone with an ounce of common sense as the Death of Property Rights. While that assessment is correct, the eventual outcome of the land seizures by the Kelo v. City of New London US Supreme Court decision. Why am I writing about an American court decision in a Canadian Rights and Freedoms Blog? We’re abusing the … [Read more...]
Alison Redford’s Alberta Government Passes Anti-Free Speech Law
Unions have an astonishing amount of power in today’s society. There is no doubt about that. The way to deal with militant unions is not, however, to strip union members of their Right to Freedom of Speech. Bill 45, titled the Public Service Services Continuation Act (view PDF), does a lot more than simply “continue” public services. Stuffed inside this bill are some very … [Read more...]
Petty Bureaucrats and their Crushing Need to Micro-Manage Our Lives
Petty bureaucrats come in all shapes, sizes and powers, as does their pathetic need to micro-manage every aspect of our lives. One doesn’t need to work for government to be a bureaucrat. They infest every corporation, large and small. They’ve even infested our homes, believe it or not. Today’s offensive one is a former member of the strata council of a BC townhouse … [Read more...]
Government of Canada poised to steal bank accounts, just like Cyprus did, in event of banking collapse
One year ago the island state of Cypress stole money from its citizens and gave it to major bank, one of which folded anyway. Calling the theft “a necessary measure” to keep the state economically viable, politicians rewarded the very institutions responsible for the economic crisis gripping the tiny nation. The banks will do anything to avoid the consequences of their own … [Read more...]
Canadian Human Rights Tribunal’s 100% Conviction Rate is No Surprise
Since 1978 the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal had a 100% conviction rate for cases brought before the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC) under Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act. This perfect conviction rate is hardly a surprise given that Tribunals rule that “Truth” is no defence against prosecution Speaking “Truth” is actually used as “proof” of your guilt … [Read more...]
Stephen Harper Loves his Canadian “Meat Puppets With Wallets”
One of my favourite characters from the now-finished television series “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” was Spike, played by James Marsters. Spike had a great sense of humour and with rare exception viewed the human race with disdain. One of his best lines of the series was when he said, “I love humans. They’re bloody Happy Meals with legs!” In the wake of recent, and some would … [Read more...]
Thought Police Compare Publisher with Child Pornographers and Sexual Predators
The Arthur Topham criminal “hate speech” case here in British Columbia continues to leave me scratching my head in amazement that we actually pay Crown Prosecutors good money to act like such idiots. I’m specifically talking about Quesnel Crown Counsel and (president of Quesnel Bar Association) Jennifer Caroline Johnston’s antics in court. Johnston, Arthur Topham relates in … [Read more...]
Why Marc Lemire Must Challenge Constitutionality of A Law That May Be Repealed
Bill C-304 History Brian Storseth introduced his Private Member’s Bill C-304 to repeal Section 13 (and its resultant penalty clause in Section 54) of the Canadian Human Rights Act on September 30, 2011. On June 6, 2012 Parliament Repealed Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act. Since that day Bill C-304 stagnates in the Canadian Senate, where even so-called … [Read more...]
The Solution to Intellectual Property Piracy on the Internet is… legalizing computer virii?
A group in the United States that calls itself the Commission on the Theft of American Intellectual Property released a massive tome on internet piracy on May 22, 2013. Their report proves just how disconnected from reality these folks are. It’s mind-boggling, even from a “progressive” standpoint! First Hollywood tried claiming copyright for a film they neither created nor … [Read more...]
Lillooet, BC, Takes SLAPPing “Mere Citizens” to an All-New Level
Just down the road from me is the town of Lillooet. It’s a nice enough place to live except, that is, for the local politicians. They’re a nightmare; control freaks of the highest order. Back in 2010 Lillooet Mayor Dennis Bontron wanted to ban what he called “unauthorized meetings” in an effort to curb vandalism. The penalties proposed for holding an "unauthorized meeting" … [Read more...]
Nelson, Georgia, sued by the Perennial Gun-Haters at the Brady Center
On April 3, 2013 I wrote an article titled Why Government Despises Liberty… Thoughts on Bastiat’s classic “The Law” in which I discussed the principles Frederik Bastiat wrote about at length. I started off here: "Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused … [Read more...]
The FBI Calls Me a Terrorist just because I believe in Defending My Rights and Freedoms?
Another absurd document surfaced from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) that discusses “Possible Indicators of Terrorist Activities Related to Internet Cafes”. In that document it explains how to find potential terrorists and turn them over to the proper authorities for rendering... er I mean investigation. I love the disclaimer at the bottom of the page. It’s … [Read more...]
Why so-called “Hate Speech” laws can never work
There is a very simple reason why "hate speech" laws do not and can not work. You simply cannot "ban" an emotion, any more than gun grabbers can ban stupid people. You cannot legislate away stupidity, nor can you legislate away an emotion. Human beings hate. Human beings love. Human beings, no matter how many times the parental hand of the Nanny State demands it, will … [Read more...]
Paying for Our Own Cultural Destruction
by Frank Hilliard Unless you live in one of the gentrified, metrosexual enclaves of Montreal, Toronto or Vancouver, you've probably never heard of Tom Perlmutter. You've paid for him, but like many of the globalists in our midst, he's been working just below the radar to dissolve and diminish Canadian culture and national identity. Perlmutter, the son of a Holocaust … [Read more...]
US Department of Justice: We don’t need no stinking warrants
US Department of Justice says, “We don’t need no stinking warrants.” It’s always reassuring when the minions of the state do precisely the opposite of what they ought. Instead of protecting and defending the rights of we “mere citizens” they violate those rights instead. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) obtained a copy of an FBI investigation manual which The … [Read more...]
US State Department Gets Knickers In a Twist over 3D Printable Handgun
Earlier this week Cody Wilson, the founder of Defense Distributed, made history by creating a single-shot firearm using a 3D printer and then firing it. Personally, I find this absolutely fascinating and a marvel of human ingenuity. Wilson, often referred to in the press as “the radical libertarian and anarchist founder of Defense Distributed” successfully designed a .380 … [Read more...]
Arthur Topham’s Legal Woes Continue for Daring to use his Right to Freedom of Speech
From the beginning Arthur Topham’s case puzzled me. Charging Mr. Topham with “wilfully promoting hatred” under Section 319(2) of the Criminal Code of Canada seemed excessive given he already faces charges under Section 13(1) of the Canadian Human Rights Act. What makes Arthur Topham so scary? In today’s world, where we value “hurt feelings” over our Charter Rights and … [Read more...]
Canada’s Broken Parliamentary System
How quickly our elected representatives forget the source of their power: we mere citizens. I often joke that Members of Parliament are not our representatives to Ottawa but Ottawa’s representatives to us. It’s a joke, a cruel one at best, and it’s on us. “Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed…” Those simple yet … [Read more...]
Cutting Egypt’s Internet Access: Who Benefits?
An odd story crossed my desk over the weekend. Not that there is anything unusual about that… odd stories cross my desk all the time. This one, however, puzzled me because it just didn’t make much sense. An Associated Press story spoke of the Egyptian Navy capturing three divers [allegedly] in the midst of cutting an undersea cable that feeds Egypt’s internet … [Read more...]
Even the Rich and Famous must suffer the Fools of Airport Security
In the realm of human stupidity it's hard to do worse than the intrepid fools who inhabit the ranks of airport security. There common sense is verboten and the ability to think rationally... well, let's just say it's not welcome there either. The latest entry into the stupidest airport security blunder ever this week goes to the Swiss... a prize that actually surprised me. … [Read more...]
Christopher Robinson: A Deadbeat Dad Too Stupid To Be On Facebook?
Christopher Robinson is a deadbeat dad. He’s happy to jump in the sack but loath to accept the inevitable consequence of that act: a child. Christopher Robinson is the type of man I despise. He is by all accounts I can find thoroughly selfish, irresponsible and completely self-absorbed. He is also stupid. For over three years he failed to make a single child support … [Read more...]
Facebook – The Best Friend Minions of the State Ever Had
Everyone loves Facebook, but nobody loves Facebook more than governments and police agencies. It’s made their job so much easier. And, should actual criminals be too hard to catch, a few hours trolling Facebook photos is sure to net dozens of possibilities. Case in point: Certified Firearms Instructor Shawn Moore. New Jersey Police and the Department of Child and Family … [Read more...]
Crime of the Century (aka children, birthday cupcakes and toy soldiers)
Only a generation ago young boys toted their .22 rifles to school on their shoulders so they could plink away in the school’s shooting range. Try that today and SWAT teams would descend like a Biblical plague of locusts. Gone are the days where a boy playing “Cowboys and Indians” is an everyday activity. Today it’s the subject of a human rights complaint. Our military, … [Read more...]