On November 1st I began filming a daily video about how we can, by taking a couple of minutes per day, win back some of the freedoms we’ve lost over the past 20 months.
I call it the 2-Minute Freedom Challenge – a 100-day video challenge to see what impact I can make in my personal sphere of influence (family, friends and acquaintances) in four pillars of life:
- The Emotional Pillar
- The Mental/Intellectual Pillar
- The Physical Pillar
- The Spiritual Pillar
These videos are currently published on my Facebook and Twitter accounts:
Please follow these accounts if you’re not doing so already.
I’m also writing a book about this project – The 2-Minute Freedom Challenge: How to Regain Our Lives, Our Liberty and Our Loot – which will be available for pre-sale for just $0.99 by the end of November, with a publication date of January 1, 2022.
In it, I’ll walk readers through how they can participate in this movement, and provide some details on what I tried, what worked, what didn’t and where I plan to move this project next.
What Is the 2-Minute Freedom Challenge?
The 2-Minute Freedom Challenge is about winning back our freedoms by examining our personal attitudes and our beliefs under the Four Pillars.
The Emotional Pillar is, arguably, the most important because many of our lives are being ruled by fear.
Fear and public shame are the weapons used in this psychological war – and it is indeed a war.
Governments at all levels, corporations, and even small private employers are all threatening us in order to gain compliance with some measure they deem critical – from mask mandates to church closures to shutting down entire sections of our economy.
The latest measure, “Jabs for Jobs” is coercion, plain and simple.
Coercion is not informed consent.
Coercion is not choice.
Coercion is a threat followed by punishment for those who do not comply.
Compliance – not public health – is the new game and more and more people are unwilling to play.
In a free and democratic society, this would be perfectly acceptable.
But we no longer life in a free and democratic society. We live in a society where orders are given and mere citizens are expected to comply. Without question.
John Robson corrected me recently when I said Alberta Justice Adam Germain tore up the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, then spit the tattered remains in the face of Calgary Pastor Artur Pawlowski.
Robson was correct.
There is no need for a judge to tear up the Charter.
It was never worth the paper it was printed on in the first place.
The Intellectual Pillar is where we return to basing our decisions on facts and data.
Our very first order of business is to find a path out of the fear and public shame. And when I say our, I mean each one of us, individually, must make the decision to:
- stop living in fear of the latest government threat
- stop making decisions based on fear instilled in us by others
- stop living in fear of the public shaming that accompanies ‘non-compliance’
- start living our lives based on gratitude, joy, love and compassion
- start basing our decisions on rational and critical thinking
- start questioning the ‘authority’ figures in our lives about why they’re attempting to force us into compliance in what is supposedly a free nation
- start demanding our governments listen to the medical professionals who, based on their experience and expertise, disagree with so-called ‘prevailing wisdom’ of the day
It’s called “prevailing wisdom” because it’s adopted by the widest group of people – not because it’s necessarily correct.
In the 1950s, the prevailing wisdom said Thalidomide was a great drug for pregnant women to deal with morning sickness. Until it wasn’t.
The Physical Pillar is the one every politician, public health officer and every ‘compliant’ medical health official refuses to acknowledge.
Obesity, high blood pressure, vitamins C, D, E and our society’s lack of physical fitness in every age group are totally ignored – when those with a healthy immune system are proven to fare better against COVID and every other SARS-based flu virus – as well as host of other illnesses.
Nobody in these positions of power/authority want to discuss our physical fitness, our physical well-being or the many actions we can take to improve our physical health.
Why not?
Why are all of these so-called medical professionals refusing to acknowledge and recommend Vitamin D for people above the 37th Parallel – when every study in the decades prior to COVID said we are vitamin D deficient for at least 6 months of the year?
Are all those studies now invalid because of COVID?
If the answer is yes, please explain why.
If the answer is no, then why are medical professionals no longer willing to discuss that which was a medical fact just two years ago?
The Spiritual Pillar is the fourth and final pillar of my 2-Minute Freedom Challenge.
Whether you believe in God, whether you believe in something else, whether you believe in nothing at all, when you look around at our beautiful planet, it’s hard not to admit there is something greater than us at play here, even if it’s just this physical world.
There are certain fundamental and powerful spiritual principles we need to take a look at and incorporate into our lives again.
Simple things like gratitude, joy, love and compassion.
When we approach our day with gratitude, joy, love and compassion our whole outlook on the world will be far different than it is when we approach our day out of fear and shame.
Henry Ford used to say, “Whether you believe you can or you believe you can’t, you’re right.”
He was talking about the power of our minds, the power of our thoughts to create the world around us.
And this power to create the world through the power of our thoughts and decisions is the essence of my 2-Minute Freedom Challenge.
Napoleon Hill said, “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”
These are essentially two ways of saying the same thing.
But this requires effort, of course.
This requires us to challenge ‘prevailing wisdom’.
This, most of all, requires us to challenge ourselves and the beliefs we currently hold to see why we hold those beliefs in the first place.
Is it because we’re afraid? Is it because we fear retribution from our family, our friends, or our government?
We must first change our own hearts and our own beliefs – if we expect to change the world.
So that’s where the 2-Minute Freedom Challenge begins.
With each one of us.
With our beliefs.
With our challenging those beliefs to uncover their true foundation.
Are you afraid of someone who isn’t wearing a surgical mask?
If so, ask yourself why. Then examine the research done five or more years ago on the subject – long before COVID came on scene and before the irrational edicts of our governments delivered the results they wanted to hear.
Are you afraid of someone who has not complied with vaccination mandates?
If so, ask yourself why, especially when even the American Centre for Disease Control (CDC) admits vaccinated individuals can still contract and transmit COVID.
If the vaccine can’t prevent you from getting sick, why should you take it?
If the vaccine can’t prevent you from making others sick, why should you take it?
And why should you fear those who don’t take the vaccine when the medical reality is you can catch COVID and transmit COVID – regardless of your vaccination status?
You shouldn’t.
Until we can find our way clear to consistently approach our daily lives and the people in them with gratitude, love, joy, and compassion we’re going to continue to be ruled by fear.
And the people using that fear against us as a weapon will continue to have their way.
So it’s up to each and every one of us individually to put an end to that behaviour.
Like Henry Ford said, whether you believe you can make this change or whether you believe you can’t, you’re absolutely correct.
My sincerest hope and my most fervent prayer is that you will opt for the first choice – to believe you can – and join me on this 100-day journey to rebuilding our world based on gratitude, joy, love and compassion using the Four Pillars as our guide.
Yours in Liberty,
Christopher Di Armani
Founder: 2MinuteFreedomChallenge.com
You can find the first video in the 2-Minute Freedom Challenge on Facebook and Twitter.
Don says
Excellent. You da man Chris!!!