On November 8, 2021, the Government of Singapore announced non-vaccinated citizens were no longer eligible for government-funded health care. The new pay-to-play health care policy took effect on December 8, 2021.
From the Singapore government’s original announcement:
Currently, unvaccinated persons make up a sizeable majority of those who require intensive inpatient care, and disproportionately contribute to the strain on our healthcare resources. Hence, from 8 December 2021, COVID-19 patients who are unvaccinated by choice will be charged for bills at hospitals and Community Treatment Facilities.
From the press release linked to that announcement:
15. The Government is currently footing the full COVID-19 medical bills of all Singaporeans, Permanent Residents and Long-Term Pass Holders (SCs/PRs/LTPHs), other than for those who tested positive soon after returning from overseas travel. This was to avoid financial considerations adding to public uncertainty and concern when COVID-19 was an emergent and unfamiliar disease. For the majority who are vaccinated, this special approach for COVID-19 bills will continue until the COVID-19 situation is more stable.
16. Currently, unvaccinated persons make up a sizeable majority of those who require intensive inpatient care, and disproportionately contribute to the strain on our healthcare resources.
17. Hence, from 8 December 2021, we will begin charging COVID-19 patients who are unvaccinated by choice.[1] This will apply to all unvaccinated COVID-19 patients admitted on or after 8 December 2021 to hospitals and CTFs. COVID-19 medical bills for those who are ineligible for vaccination will still be fully paid for by the government, i.e. children under 12 years old or medically ineligible persons.
Singapore’s refusal to provide medical care is in stark contrast to Japan’s approach.
Japan refuses to make COVID vaccinations mandatory. In fact, they insist citizens make an informed decision for themselves and their children based on all the knowledge and options available. Japan’s government is one of the few willing to admit there are serious issues with the vaccines.
Although we encourage all citizens to receive the COVID-19 vaccination, it is not compulsory or mandatory. Vaccination will be given only with the consent of the person to be vaccinated after the information provided.
Please get vaccinated of your own decision, understanding both the effectiveness in preventing infectious diseases and the risk of side effects.
No vaccination will be given without consent.
Please do not force anyone in your workplace or those who around you to be vaccinated, and do not discriminate against those who have not been vaccinated.
Japan also issued warnings about myocarditis and other health risks and is committed to documenting all adverse effects of the vaccines.
What About Canada?
After video surfaced of Prime Minister Blackface calling unvaccinated Canadians racists and misogynists, anything is possible. HIs divisive rhetoric is not an accident.
Canada’s division of powers makes it difficult for Trudeau to impose a “No Vac No Health Care” policy, but his vitriol against those who refuse to blindly obey him signals he is willing to impose even more draconian measures on Canadians.
If one pays attention to history, the marginalization and vilification of a segment of society always precedes the wretched and horrific abuse of that segment of society.
When people are afraid they want a scapegoat, somewhere to focus their fear, their anger and their hatred. Trudeau delivered that scapegoat and the terrified masses jumped on board immediately.
Prime Minister Blackface’s comments are the natural and foreseeable consequence of a steady and intentional diet of two years of Fear Porn and the only thing stopping PM Blackface from refusing medical care to unvaccinated Canadians is that provinces, not the federal government, are responsible for health care.
Which is probably why Trudeau called a meeting with all provincial premiers for later today. If he can convince them to amend the Constitution to remove the clause defending personal bodily autonomy, then he can “legally” order forced vaccinations for all Canadians and or strip the unvaxxed of their right to health care.
Where do We Draw the Line?
If we’re going to dole out health care to a select group of citizens only, how do we determine who is virtuous enough to “deserve” health care?
Today, the call is to withhold health care from those who choose to make an informed decision about their health care. Put another way, the call is to withhold health care from anyone who refuses to cowtow to mass panic and mob rule, for that’s what all this is.
But what’s next?
Do we withhold health care for AIDS patients?
How about Hepatitis patients?
These are all considered “high-risk activities” so this would seem the next logical step in the Health Care Withholding parade. Right?
But where does it end?
Will we cut off health care funding for overweight people?
How about those whose “Proof of Exercise” card wasn’t stamped three times last week?
Who gets to determine which mere citizen is worthy of health care and which is not?
It won’t be you or me, that much I know with certainty.
But imagine all the money we’d save on health care after we build these lists of who is refused health care because they do not hold to “our” lifestyle standards or they refused to be coerced into a health care decision.
Imagine all the money we’d save! Provincial governments complain endlessly about the lack of health care dollars. The answer seems obvious, doesn’t it?
Until one day you wake up to discover YOU are on the restricted list because you refused to be a good little automaton and do what you’re told.
On that day you’ll scream bloody blue murder about how unfair this is, how “un-Canadian” this is and your cries will fall on deaf ears.
I know the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is meaningless today, but that doesn’t mean we should toss our humanity on the dungheap of history along with it.
Instead, ask yourself why governments around the world, not just here in Canada, insist on dividing us along this specific line.
- Ask yourself who benefits by pitting brother against brother, father against son, and husband against wife, vaccinated against unvaccinated, as the COVID “pandemic” winds down.
- Ask yourself why you’re being forced to take a vaccine that cannot prevent you from catching COVID and cannot stop you from spreading COVID.
- Ask yourself why you’re being forced to wear a mask in public places when that mask cannot prevent you from breathing in COVID or exhaling it onto others if you already have it.
Lastly, if the questions above make you really angry at me, ask yourself why a couple of valid questions make you so angry.
Is it because, deep down, you know you were lied to but you fell for it anyway?
If so, isn’t it time to redirect your anger where it belongs?
There is plenty of evidence that these vaccines are harming a significant portion of humanity. But in order to see it, literally, you must set aside your fear and your anger and open your mind to the possibility, the mere possibility, that Justin Trudeau and every one of his health acolytes has lied to you.
Only then can we have a rational conversation about whether we should cut people off from medical treatment because they made a different life choice than the one government told you was “acceptable.”
Mandatory Vaccination?
Mandatory vaccination of every Canadian can only be accomplished with the threat of violence. That threat will only harden opposition to COVID vaccinations.
So the last question you must ask yourself if you support mandatory vaccinations is
“Are you willing to see your neighbour, your son or your parents gunned down or dragged off to a detention camp by the Vaccination Police?”
If you answered “Yes” to that question you’ve lost your humanity.
And that’s a bigger threat to us than any virus will ever be.
Joe says
Privatize healthcare and stop collecting taxes for “free” healthcare. I will find a medical centre willing to take my money and treat me (likely without a multi month or multi year wait). Take away as much as possible from incompetent govt hands.
Gerry Kirkham. says
Hi Christopher, Honestly the fear porn never got to me. I’m not sure why, but it didn’t turn me in to a quivering fear freak.
Having been an observer of people, and governments for many years, I almost instinctively knew this was deliberate, and was planned to herd and control the public easily. The reasons why is what we should be asking.
As you know, I have already chosen my path on this, and I will resist this until my last breath! I have seen enough evidence to support the facts that this is a deliberate globalist chess game, and I refuse to kow tow to these unconstitutional shenanigans. I am free born, and will remain so.
No matter what, the kernel, the very essence of liberty is within the heart of each individual, and as individuals, only we, can choose to either stay free, or give up our freedom to a dictatorial government, for a false sense of security, that falls flat on it’s face, when it collides with reality!
Christopher di Armani says
“the kernel, the very essence of liberty is within the heart of each individual, and as individuals, only we, can choose to either stay free, or give up our freedom to a dictatorial government, for a false sense of security, that falls flat on it’s face, when it collides with reality!”
Beautifully stated, Gerry! Thank you.
Brendan says
Of course, in Canada about 40% of our taxes go to prop up a health care system that… kinda… works. So, if he has plans to cut anyone off, do they get their money back?
I would have to seriously consider whether I would be better off financially flying to Thailand to get my next operation done and paying cash, or continuing to get massacred every June. (Thailand has an excellent pay-as-you-go system, by the way.)
Amazing how quickly and easily Leftists slide into threats and authoritarianism when they don’t get their way…