Whether you like the bill or hate it, one thing is certain: it will be a very interesting vote this fall. Katey Montague, the “YouTube starlet” as she’s been called, recently released another video, this time directed squarely at Liberal leader Michael Ignatief.
Taking shots at Iggy isn’t difficult, especially on this issue. He’s waffled over this since like mad ever since Conservative MP Candice Hoeppner introduced the bill last year.
Katey’s video urges gun owners to do one thing: contact their MP about this bill. She points people to her website (KateysFirearmsFacts.com) where she’s listed complete contact information for every opposition MP who voted for the bill on its Second Reading earlier this year.
These MP’s are crucial to the bill’s passage, if it indeed does.
If you live in one of the ridings that Katey has listed on her website, please, contact your MP immediately and 1) thank them for voting FOR the bill when it came up for Second Reading, and 2) urge them to vote the will of their constituents and vote FOR Bill C-391 again when it comes up for its Third Reading, most likely this fall.
Some gun owners say Bill C-391 is no good. They may be right.
But anything that puts the anti-gunners like Wendy Cukier and the Association of Chiefs of Police on the run is a GOOD thing, in my opinion. It’s the first time I’ve seen them back on their heels since 1989, and it’s a sight that pleases me greatly.
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