I honestly don’t know which I find more repulsive – Michael Korenberg’s apology and resignation for daring to hold a personal opinion (which he renounced in a heartbeat), or the Cancel Culture warriors’ belief they and they alone are the arbiters of “approved” opinions.
On June 20, 2020, Michael Korenberg resigned from his position as Chair of the UBC Board of Governors.
His crime? “Liking” Twitter posts from [gasp!] Republicans.
A university is supposed to be a place where ideas can be discussed openly and honestly; a place where opposing ideas can duke it out in the marketplace of free ideas.
Supposed to be.
Universities stopped being this a long time ago.
Now we’ve stooped to a new low – where simply “liking” an unapproved Twitter or Facebook post requires the immediate and total capitulation of the offender.
The cold hard reality is that Cancel Culture cannot exist without a pre-existing Coward Culture, and Korenberg is its latest member.
In offering his neck to the chopping block, President of Coward Culture International Michael Korenberg said:
Dear Governors,
Please accept this letter as my resignation as Board Chair of the UBC Board of Governors effective immediately.
In doing so, I acknowledge that, with my role as Chair and as a proud member of the UBC community, there comes great responsibility. Some of my interactions with social media have thoughtlessly supported regressive voices that are attempting to discredit broad-based, legal and necessary protest. As a result, my interactions have been interpreted in a manner that creates questions about who I am and what I believe in. I wholeheartedly apologize to them, particularly to students, faculty and staff of UBC.
If these “interactions” created questions about what Mr. Korenberg believes in, well, perhaps those taking issue with his Twitter likes should seek therapy for their pathetic and far-too-fragile egos.
The unpalatable (to them) reality is Korenberg is entitled to his personal opinion and doesn’t require anyone’s prior permission or approval to hold it.
That Michael Korenberg cowardly bowed down and sacrificed himself on the altar of political correctness so fast is deeply distressing, for it empowers, encourages and emboldens this already out-of-control mob.
But hey, I’ve “liked” an unapproved Tweet or two from Republicans in the past, too, so why should you listen to me?
Loris Corzato says
It’s terrible that SO many bow down so easily to this sort of thing! I’ve been following Derek Sloan closely and I truly believe he’s our only hope of regaining some sort of sanity in this country. I really REALLY hope he wins the Conservative leadership race, and then, with any luck, becomes Prime Minister of this lost place. Conservative. Without Apology! He won’t bow down to this sort of thing and will make the “radical” change that this country so desperately needs. I’ve basically lost all hope for us but he’s literally the first candidate I’ve seen that has actually given me a glimmer of hope that we can have a leader who has the courage to do the right thing to restore Canada to the great country that it once was. As it stands now, I can no longer hold my head high and call myself a proud Canadian as I once used to. And I really do want to be that person again but we need a strong, brave leader who won’t bow down to political correctness and globalization pressures. We need to put Canada first and regain our sovereignty. And most of all, restore common sense and act on behalf of the people.
Was it you that mentioned, during the last election, that we should vote for the candidate in our riding who had the greatest chance of defeating the liberal candidate, regardless of Party? That makes sense to some degree but at this point I believe we need strong communication amongst ourselves to promote a leader who’s willing to make the significant change that this country needs. The liberals have done SO much damage that it’s almost irreparable. These other political parties are “ideologically-obsessed but reality-impaired” and just keep making things worse and worse.
Christopher di Armani says
Yes, voting for the one most likely to defeat the Liberal candidate was reserved for those ridings where Conservatives haven’t won in decades and weren’t likely to the 2019 federal election. If we can’t win, the next best thing to do is ensure the party we don’t want loses.
Everywhere else the message was “Vote Conservative.”
John Jensen says
When are people going to learn that ALL social media is toxic and anyone with half a brain would not touch any of them with a barge pole. Social media, once again, destroyed him.
Christopher di Armani says
I disagree. Social media didn’t destroy him – his total lack of backbone did.
Only by standing up to this nonsense where one’s personal opinions must be “approved” by an unaccountable mob will this garbage eventually be stopped.
Loris Corzato says
I totally agree, it’s completely and utterly a lack of backbone! Look at the Don Cherry thing, Don stood his ground but Ron McLean bent over and sold himself out. Utterly pathetic.