In his timeline of events, Loki Hulgaard (aka Brendan Stanley Dell) refers to the Jewish Occupation Government (J.O.G.) and claims he is being persecuted by J.O.G. and by police who he claims “probably illegally” searched his home, seizing guns, ammunition and cash.
Police were able to charge Hulgaard with firearms offences because Hulgaard made it easy for them to do so.
- He did not inform the Canadian Firearms Centre when he legally changed his name in 2013.
- He filed serial numbers off a couple of his guns.
- He refused to store his firearms according to the Safe Storage Regulations.
In other words, Hulgaard was stupid – really stupid.
Now he faces prison for these crimes even if he’s acquitted of willfully promoting hatred against any identifiable group, Criminal Code language denoting a hate crime.
But this isn’t about guns, it’s about ideas. Specifically, it’s about Loki Hulgaard’s ideas.
The problem posed by Hulgaard’s ideas is both simple and ugly.
Political activists use Hulgaard’s criminal actions with guns to tar millions of ordinary Canadians with Hulgaard’s racist ideas. They don’t ask why RCMP issued Hulgaard his firearms licence in the first place. They use Hulgaard’s firearm ownership as “proof” all gun owners are murderous racists waiting for the “race war” to begin.
Absurd? Of course, but this absurdity does not prevent those with a political agenda from tarring and feathering two million innocent people with the tag “racist.”
If you must resort to these tactics to “win” then your idea (“gun control”) can’t have much merit.
Unfortunately, winning is still more important than telling the truth for far too many people, both inside politics and out.
Hulgaard as Political Prisoner
Loki Hulgaard (aka Brendan Stanley Dell) published his rambling, hate-filled manifesto online in an effort to explain why he was arrested for hate crimes on August 1, 2018. In it, he labels himself “a Canadian Political Prisoner charged with ‘public incitement of hatred‘.”
Here couple of lines from his manifesto, followed by the slogans he wrote on paper money.
“If there is equality and to be ‘peace’ and ‘love’ there can only be such through a seperation [sic] of races in their own respective countries that they created through their own labour and effort and which were created for them in many cases by White people – which act has been stigmatized as ‘colonialism’ as if that were an inherently bad thing.”
“We Whites are the colonized and our jewish overlords(biologically jewish) are using us as a scapegoat to transfer blame for their actions onto and to hide behind so as to conceal their actions and shield themselves from blame.”
“They the jews are the supremacists as is clearly observable in the inordinate power they hold over the world through their central banking system and United Nations system.”
If “the Jews” are controlling the world through the United Nations, then Israel is doing a really crappy job of showing its superiority, given 46% of all country-specific U.N resolutions are against the Jewish state.
Loki Hulgaard also wrote phrases on money he attempted to spend at a variety of stores in the Medicine Hat area.
- ZOG (Zionist Occupied Government)
- Jewish White Genocide
- jews=esau
- Immigration = White Genocide
Defacing Bank Notes
Police say the words Loki Hulgaard wrote on Canadian bank notes were despicable. They may be, so why not charge him with defacing Canadian currency?
Because there is no law against writing on Canadian bank notes.
Freedom of Speech
Ideas appealing to the majority are never a threat, nor are they typically considered threatening. It’s the unpopular ideas, the uncomfortable ideas, the ideas that make our skin crawl – those are the ones our Charter of Rights and Freedoms must protect – but doesn’t.
Human Rights Tribunals ensure those spouting ugly and unpopular ideas were removed from the public square.
Hate speech provisions in the Criminal Code ensured we could sequester these people out of sight, and therefore out of mind.
By fearing unpopular ideas instead of forcing them to withstand the full light of day, they allow bad ideas to flee into the darkness, like cockroaches, where they fester and multiply.
This is wrong.
Arresting Loki Hulgaard and charging him for “hate crimes” is cowardly and dumb.
It’s cowardly because we play into his politics of fear. We’re afraid his ideas might infect someone else and spread. When we succumb to this fear, we become the very worst versions of ourselves, allowing the worst of ourselves to take over.
It’s dumb because a criminal trial gives him and his ideas a platform – one he hasn’t earned.
Does Loki Hulgaard have a right to publish his manifesto and spew his hate-filled views to the world?
He has the same right to publish his ideas as I have to publish mine.
His ideas, like mine, must compete in the open marketplace. If his ideas have merit, people will agree with him and share them with others. If his ideas lack merit, they will die. This is how the marketplace of ideas works, and precisely how it should work.
For example, “Jewish White Genocide” is just a really bad idea. Unless you already ascribe to Loki’s worldview, “Jewish White Genocide” makes no sense. Marketing 101: If the person reading your message has no clue what you mean, you lose.
Undoubtedly Offensive
There is one paragraph, buried in the middle of Hulgaard’s 12-page manifesto, with which I wholeheartedly agree.
As to my writings in general they are a creative exercise, an attempt to entertain and enlighten others as well as a cathartic release of anger and frustration over the issues of todays’ [sic] society. These writings are undoubtedly offensive to many but that is largely the intent. Sometimes shocking people is the only way to wake them up.
I too write because I want to entertain and enlighten my readers. Writing is also a wonderful way to express my frustration with the stupidity of our world and the many issues we face, both as individuals and as a society. And I’m not above offending someone’s delicate sensibilities on the road to making my point and, hopefully, waking them up to the threats some ideas pose to our precious rights and freedoms.
Will expressing my ideas publicly become a crime in the future? It’s possible.
Blatant Hypocrisy
On Wednesday, August 1, 2018, Hulgaard was arrested outside of his mental health counselor’s office where his attendance was “an implied condition of my continuing receipt of welfare.”
Am I the only one who finds it ironic Hulgaard accepts welfare checks from the same Jewish Occupation Government he rails against?
Guilty Plea
On February 29, 2020, Loki Hulgaard pleaded guilty to willfully promoting hatred in violation of Section 319 (2) of the Criminal Code.
From Medicine Hat News:
Hulgaard, who was arrested in August 2018 after attempting to circulate currency with anti-Semitic slogans printed on it, was slated for trial Feb. 26-28, but pled guilty on what was supposed to be the first day of the trial.
He is scheduled to be sentenced on March 26, 2019.
Brian Sumner says
Hi Chris. It is deeply saddening to see these poor wretches siezed by nutcase anti-Jewish world views. I can see people making a case against the muslims as they cause a lot of the trouble in the world today but still I wouldn’t advocate hating them. As a society thru our police forces it is good to be able to stop somebody from intentionally hurting others as this guy might have eventually. His PAL should be revoked, presuming he has one. And his guns siezed. He is a nutjob. And as you have pointed out police should check to make sure he does not have any weapons in future.
I agree with you that his views should be brought out into the open and in the court of public opinion trashed. I’m not a fan of the HRCs. They have probably done more harm than good. They should be abolished. Keep up the good work.
Christopher di Armani says
re: Human Rights Councils… You can remove “probably” from your assessment, Brian. 🙂
Clive Edwards says
Censorship short circuits critical thinking and public debate. However the main problem with censorship is that it doesn’t allow for revising our knowledge base of history and current affairs as new facts are brought forward.. Censorship shuts down our ability to determine what is and what isn’t true in the light of new information.. History and the knowledge base of humanity must never be owned and controlled by any one interest group, no matter how democratic and humanitarian they claim to be.
Andrey Piskunov says
What makes you think that better ideas will flow to the top? It would have been the case in egalitarian society but we’re not one clearly. If you think for long enough and clear enough you should be able to find a number of cases where better ideas were suppressed in favor of some other interests. As they say, it’s either you fight for the truth or you fight to win, you choose. Very reflective IMO.