Keith Wiens is a despicable specimen of humanity. He brutally murdered Lynn Kalmring and then blamed her death upon Lynn herself.
Wiens attempted to claim self-defense for shooting Lynn Kalmring in the face from approximately 2 feet away, according to expert testimony. He placed a knife in her hands after she was dead to make it look like Kalmring was the aggressor and the cause of her own demise.
Thank God common sense prevailed and this liar and murderer’s version of events were not accepted.
Donna Irwing, Lynn Kalmring’s sister, had this to say after the sentence was pronounced by Justice Geoff Barrow:
“It’s a good day, we’re all going to sleep well tonight, go back to our homes, try to pick up the pieces and get on with our lives because that’s what Lynn would want.”
The jury took less than 6 hours to find Keith Wiens guilty of second degree murder. That time span includes time they took off from deliberating to have dinner.
Clearly they didn’t buy into his lies.
“It’s not going to bring Lynn back, but maybe she can rest in peace now,” says Kalmring’s sister Maggie Leslie.
“Going into this we didn’t know what to expect. We didn’t know how we were going to feel or what we were supposed to feel or how long it would take. But at the end of the day it’s brought out the good in our justice system.”
The jury recommended 20 years before Wiens could be eligible for parole and Justice Geoff Barrow went even further.
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